Chapter 8 - USA Pentagon, Majestic-12 Research Team

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It was already late evening, when the VC-25A landed on a not very busy military airport. As it was a secret mission, they could not take the risk that a journalist might smell it and take photos of the US military airplane, which was two times bigger than an average passenger plane. After George became the centre of attention, he was no longer a boresome science freak. The high-ranking officers thought it was better to listen to him and keep him close so that they could keep an eye on him. George knew this, and after getting off the plane, he looked behind his back more often. He started to realise, it was not a simple observation; otherwise there would not be so many military leaders here.

Getting off the plane, soldiers, whom George had not seen before, loaded everything onto the trucks.

'What the hell's going on?' he thought aloud.

George had an awful suspicion. Why did they need so many soldiers, doctors, and so much equipment for a simple observation, with which they could start a war? He decided to keep his eyes open to avoid unexpected, unpleasant surprises. After he decided, he began to walk towards the truck, which was waiting for him, and he threw up his bag, then pulled himself up to the rear platform of the truck, which was covered with tarpaulin. The truck was full of soldiers. Among them was the Admiral, who did not seem very dependable, and now did not look at him in a very friendly manner, either. After George sat down on his only free seat, he noticed that Chatrin Soytek had also got on this truck. This was a bit comforting for him, because he liked the astrobiologist.

'Is it you? Won't you join the others with the more comfortable jeep?' George asked, pulling Chatrin's leg.

Chatrin shrugged and made a grinning grimace.

'Why should I go with it? As far as I can see, it will be much more interesting here.' She kept grinning, then she started looking around on the truck. 'Why are there so many soldiers, Admiral? We've come for observation, or a battle?' she asked the conceited, arrogant officer point-blank, teasingly.

George was blinking and wondering how a brittle woman dared to ask what he was just thinking about. Despite this, he liked it and was curious to see his reactions. The Admiral did not take Chatrin seriously, perhaps because of her size. So he tried to fix the matter in his usual reckless style.

'We've come to observe, of course,' he said while nodding a little, and he opened his hands, as if it had been natural. 'But nobody wants any surprises in a foreign country, right?' he continued in a more serious way.

'I don't know. I like surprises,' Chatrin replied, and she looked at the Admiral with her head held high. 'And after all, why do you think we should worry, mainly because we came to another country?'

'Why don't you deal with your researches, baby? Let us deal with the important stuff,' the Admiral replied condescendingly, and he turned away his head with a motionless face, indicating that the conversation was over.

'Baby?' Chatrin asked, her voice still deadly calm, with a cynical grin on her face, which she made apparently on purpose just to irritate the officer. 'We are not that close friends, buddy,' she continued, and she stressed the word "buddy". 'Why can't you answer a simple question straight? I'd simply like to know what to expect, buddy.'

George felt the conversation had taken a completely different direction, and he had better stop it.

'Chatrin, why don't we drink some coffee and eat something after we arrived? Personally, I'm starving.' George smiled in a friendly way to make the distraction more effecitve.

It seemed his plan, if not instantly, worked, because after Chatrin turned away from the Admiral with a grimace, she smiled at George.

'OK, I can communicate with you, at least, unlike with others.' And she cast a spectacular glance towards the Admiral.

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