Chapter 12 - Orion - Betelgueze/The Board of the Tall Grey

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While the people of Annunaki and their allies were sending help to Earth, war was to start far away in the galaxy. As things in Nibiru had not happened as the plans of the Tall Grey, Neituri and Borat hurried back to their planets to convene the Council at the earliest and to convince their chiefs of their nefarious intent. The habitat of the Grey was slightly different from their name. Besides them no other creatures had place on this planet. Each square metre revealed that this nation was interested in one single thing – the conquest. To enslave other nations and to take away their goods. After the connection of the two counsellors' spaceships, they had hardly waited for the sluice gates to open and immediately dashed in. The Tall Grey's spaceship station was also enormous, but technically, they were far behind the people of Annunaki. Getting off the spaceship, they were marching through the narrow corridor enraged, which led to a central transporting. From here, they could transport themselves anywhere, but this time only one aim was in front of them, so they transported themselves directly to the Emperor.

As, Neituri General Counsel had already indicated that he had something to report at once, the Emperor accepted and was waiting for him. Neituri and Borat, without an appointment, marched into the Great Hall, which was huge and metal grey. The Emperor and the key members of the Council had been waiting for them tensely. The Emperor was sitting opposite the entrance. Next to him his wife was standing, who although could not interfere in politics, was always present. Then when she could not be seen or heard by anybody, gave helpful advice to the leader of the Tall Grey.

In the room besides them, the former army leader, three other counsellors, and the leader and counsellors of Zet Reiculi were present.

'Welcome, Lord Prodac!' Borat and Neituri bowed together, but Neituri upended earlier.

'I hope you have a serious reason that I had ordered here everybody so quickly,' Lord Prodac said, and his voice like thunder was almost echoing in the room.

Who hadn't been afraid so far had tightened himself as he could convey threat and trembling with his voice. Hiw eyes were dark and deep. His look was vicious as if nobody's thoughts would be hidden from him. It was not worth misleading or lying to him as that person would have ended with a merciless death. His look, stature, ruthless nature, and dark ability together made Prodac be what he had become. He had been on the throne for long, and whoever was trying to precipitate him from it, his early attempts failed. His wife not only stood by him on the throne, but with her dark abilities, she had supported Prodac without which he could not have been such a great lord, and that was why he always kept her close.

'I'm sorry, Lord, but it can't be deferred,' Neituri continued, and Prodac looked at him as if he was to sentence him to death immediately.

'I'll decide if it can be deferred or not,' he was thundering, almost gasping, and with his eyes he almost splitted the General Counsel.

'I see, sir,' Neituri replied humbly, waiting to be given the permission to continue his story.

The Lord, turning his head, waved that the he could go on with his say, but in the meatime he was fretting and fuming as he almost got mad with curiosity.

'My Lord, we've just returned from Nibiru, and the news of the Anunakis being in serious danger seems to be true. Our time has finally come, as their Emperor is dying. Without an heir, they will lose power,' Neituri started.

'Why do you think that the Emperor is dying? Perhaps you have seen yourself?' the Lord asked, elbowing on the armrest of the throne and propping his chin with his long arm. He was persistently looking at the General Counsel, and although he was showing unconcern, he was very much interested in the information.

'No, I haven't seen it personally, but we weren't allowed to meet him. We got waited for long, and they were spinning out, and eventually, Adamas had visited us—'

'Adamas!' the Lord interrupted. 'Conceited Annunaki. 'I've been looking for it for a while to meet him face to face,' he stared wistfully. 'Go on!' he growled again.

'Yes, Adamas. He reminded me that they didn't owe us any statement and gave me only evasive replies, but I felt that he had been lying and had had serious doubts. It seemed that he wanted to get rid of us the earliest. I've felt his fear.'

'Fear?' Lord Prodak interrupted again. 'Adamas is not famous for his fear. What are you talking about?'

'This is the truth, Lord, make sure!' Borat, who so far quietly strained, replied. Prodak now raised his gruesome look on him and stood up from his throne slowly and then started to hurry towards the two counsellors. Those two had been waiting tensely; they knew what was to come. The nearly three-metre-high Tall Grey Lord had to take only a few steps to stand in front of Borat. Then with his two big hands he grabbed Borat's head, who was also very tall but not as much as the Lord. Prodak was glaring at Borat's eyes and leaned closer to him. Borat felt that the Lord was searching in his thoughts, wanting to check if they had told the truth. Borat was becoming less able to keep himself as braindigging was not without pain.

Borat's memories had soon appeared in front of the lord's eyes.

'Hmmm, really,' Prodak said a bit later, then let Borat go and continued smiling lustfully. 'Adamas is very worried. Our time may have come, but we really have to make sure of it. Besides this, there was something in Adamas I can't understand. As if he didn't only have concerns in connection with the Emperor.'

'My Lord,' Borat intervened, 'Andhoris and Chabha Councillors from Zet Reiculi are still there. We might tell them not to leave, no matter how long they should be kept waiting. It could come in handy for us, having there two of your dependants.'

As if Lord Prodak could have seen their victory over the thousands of years of hatred and envied Nibiru. He turned to his counsellors and dependants.

'My loyal minions.' He talked to them in a fulminant voice. 'We can finally strike back. Everything we have been dreaming of could be ours at last. Or that is mine,' Prodak said to himself. 'I want an immediate meeting. We have to work out how to act when the walls tumble. All our allies have to be asked to come here.' He turned to Neituri again. 'They should come here by tomorrow. I don't care how busy they are. Inform them briefly, but they will know the details here.'

'Yes, my Lord.' Neituri bowed.

'And you, loyal Borat,' Prodak turned to his other counsellor 'keep in touch with our dependants staying at Nibiru.'

'As you wish, my Lord.' And Borat already left the Great Hall.

After everyone had gone about his business as of the command, only Prodak, his wife, and his General stayed in the Great Hall. Lord Prodak was walking up and down statisfied in the Great Hall while he was humming and hawing. He looked at his wife while walking, then slowly approached her. The female was not very high, but she was feared because of her power.

'I'll need all you energy, Shuita,' Prodak said to the woman. 'Your power strengthens me and the weakened Announakis can't do anything. Finally, all we have been dreaming of and longing for will be ours.'

'You don't even have to ask it,' Shuita replied. 'Your desire is mine. And what is that much fight would have been good for if we didn't take advantage of it now. I want to rule the universe.' She leaned closer to the Lord and whispered mysteriously into his ear, 'I want the people of Nibiru to bow in front of my feet. Anyone who prevails over them, can attain respect even from the Draconidas. Two at a time, why we should wait?'

'Slowly, Shuita, slowly. We've been waiting for this moment for long. We can't make a mistake. Everything should be well-planned.' Prodak calmed her down, but at the same time, he liked his woman being savage and vehement. 'Now the first thing is to snoop around carefully, make a warplan, and if necessary, to call mercenaries.'

'As you wish. But if time comes, I would like to be there,' Shuita answered and left satisfied the Throne Room with the Lord.

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