Chapter 6 - The Encounter, 28 February 2011

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I love drinking warm latte with lots of sugar and whipped cream. Then I feel not only my body, but my soul also warming up a little. It was only February, but the sun was shining so beautifully. It would have been a pity to sit at a covered place where people were crowded together. Instead I chose my usual little café, Café Liston. Its terrace looked onto the river. If nothing else could, at least, this comforted me. Since the previous night's dream, I had not been myself. I wished somebody would be able to help me, whom I could turn to. I was not in the mood to be imprisoned in a rubber room. I was given my coffee soon. I did not even need to ask for it. I was already known there. After the waiter put the coffee on my table, he gave me a smile and left. They knew I did not like anyone walking around me. While I was thinking about who I could turn to, I felt incredibly lonely. In fact, I did not have real friends, who could have understood me.

I was sitting there sipping my coffee, and as I was looking at the people, it seemed to me I did not belong to them. I felt, and I knew I was different. I was not able to look at them as if they had been the same then and today. At last, I felt good a little. I could not understand why I reacted like that since nowadays somebody is attacked every minute. They're robbed, beaten, or what's even worse, killed. We do not live in a world where I could stay calm.

Having drunk half of my latte and sunbathing in sunglasses in the February sunshine, finally, I got relaxed a little. I was not thinking, just trying to empty my mind of all my thoughts. I managed to sit there in a way that the world ceased to exist around me. However, my joy was too early. Just when I was about to take another sip, I started to feel that weird tingling again. I felt that someone was watching me. Unlike before, this did not seem threatening. It was just as I felt in my dream. I was not as careful as before about being spotted as I was searching for the voyeur. First, I looked behind me, as I was feeling his gaze on my back. This was the point when finally it became evident that I had to listen to my instincts. I had always known that I had certain skills, but I suppressed them in myself. As I looked back, I saw him. He was beautiful. I rarely call people like that, especially, men. In fact, if I think about it, I would never say that about men.

I found myself looking at him almost shamelessly. After all, it was he who began to stare at me. Why should not I look back at him? If the sun had not shone, I would have taken off my sunglasses. He hardly wore any clothes. Even what he wore could not be considered warm or thick, which people should wear in February. Weird, somebody should be wearing such thin clothes in this cold weather. Maybe, he was waiting for me to look the other way so that he could disappear. Well, he could wait for that. Something else came to my mind. I suddenly stood up and began to walk up to him.

'After all what do I want to prove?' I said to myself aloud, while I was looking around so as not to be run down in my great effort.

I crossed the road, while getting closer and closer to him. On my way I increasingly felt that other emotion, which I felt also in my dreams. Suddenly, a picture rushed into my mind, and I halted, too.

'My god, what's this?' I was scared since again I saw that massacre that I had seen a couple of days before but now more realistically.

It was cold, but I was not cold, just the opposite. I was nearing the stranger, as if I was entering a warm light. I had to go on, I felt, but then another picture flashed into my mind – the pictures were of a previous dream. Luminous people were standing at the window of a spaceship, and they invited me. Around me, these creatures dressed in dark blue robes were thrilled to see me. 'What are these pictures?' I wondered. Whoever I mentioned, they would laugh at me and consider me a fool. After a while, I did not talk about it to anyone.

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