Chapter 7 - Fates

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Within seconds we arrived at our little flat. I was afraid what Vicky would say, but she reacted in a way I had not expected. In fact, I did not see any astonishment or fear on her face, as if she had always travelled like that. She behaved absolutely naturally. Yet something struck me. Her eyes were sparkling, and she was happy. I had not seen her like that for a long time. Since we were alone, I had tried to manage everything in a way that she would not feel anything. Yet I saw on her that something was missing. Something we seemed to have received then.

Since we arrived home earlier I made a few sandwiches, and I took them to the bigger room, which was my living room, too. It is easier to talk when you do not need to go out for things. Asamnek and Vicky sat on the lamb fur on the floor, and we looked at each other in silence. Asamnek could speak telepathically, which I had seen before. I thought he would do the same now, too.

'Could you please communicate aloud so that both of us could hear it?' I asked Asamnek with a puzzled smile.

'I did not talk to her. I purely watched the way she was looking at me,' he replied.

'Obviously, she has lots of questions to you, and she doesn't know where to start. Perhaps we could start with you answering me, and she'll join in,' I said.

'All right. Where shall I start?' Asamnek surrendered, and he loosened his posture.

'At the beginning.' I smiled at him and sat next to him. 'Where do you come from, and why?'

Asamnek looked into my eyes. I felt I had known him, for a long time.

'As I said before, my home is Nibiru, but here on Earth it was called by other names, too. It changed every few thousand years. The Nibiru is many millions years old. It is older than Earth, whose development we had a key role in. Everything is derived from us – life and knowledge, too. Populating Earth was part of a special plan, and we returned at certain intervals to see the evolution of the humankind. We were curious whether they would be able to exploit their parent planet's resources efficiently. Practically, we gave a new species the opportunity for the establishment of life and civilization. Our nation has been populating planets for several thousand years with primitive species like the Man. After establishing the necessary living conditions, we leave them to multiply. Obviously, this process must be controlled by someone, since we can't be there constantly. As we didn't manage to keep it a secret completely, to prevent conflict we made an agreement with a highly advanced race, the Reptilians.

'What's that?' I asked astonished.

'Here on Earth they are called Lizard Men. I mean, by the government, with which they do business,' he continued, and I could not say a word. I just listened to him with my mouth open, because he went on immediately. 'This is a humanoid species, about 2 metres tall. They think, of course, similarly to others that they have the right to possess Earth. They often do business with other species, too, because they are interested in profit only. They are an extremely old species, and they're still here on Earth.'

'Where?' I asked excitedly.

'Everywhere, but they mostly live underground. They think that the Man is just an intruder in their land. In their eyes, the Man is a primitive species, among whom from time to time they need to "clean". In a word, if they were too many, by some means they will take care of decreasing their number. It can be an epidemic or serial disappearances . . . and so on and so forth. They need the Man, because they feed Earth, but at the same time, when necessary, they sacrifice them.

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