Chapter 13 Earth, Majestic-12 Research Team,

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Hungary, 1 March 2011

It was only half past 3 a.m. perhaps, but neither George nor Bomonsky and Chatrin could sleep. They kept thinking about the events of that evening; they were not able to switch off. First Chatrin woke up, and after spying around thorougly, she hurried straight to George's bed-closet. She could not really knock because all the bed-closets were open and covered only with curtains. The Pentagon did not feel the necessity to give everyone a closed room, and of course, they did not want anyone to hide anything.

Chatrin pulled the curtain slowly and stepped to George's bed, who hearing the noise, opened his eyes and sat up in his bed.

'What happened?' George asked, but Chatrin put her hand on his mouth and signalled with her finger that they should speak more quietly.

'Nothing yet, but I can't sleep and something doesn't let me rest,' Chatrin whispered. 'Don't ask what, because I don't know yet, but some weird feeling's torturing me.'

'What feeling?' George asked now more quietly.

'I've looked into the file of the meeting at Pentagon,' Chatrin began.

'What?' George asked still uncomprehendingly, and he rubbed his face to get back to reality.

'Come on, you work there. You make notes about everything, don't be surprised,' Chatrin replied, and she waved her hand towards George. 'You mentioned the energy centers of Earth, the aliens on the craft, the sun and the moon projects. We've taken several thousand kilometres to meet a woman, in whom we are not the only ones showing interest. We've seen the camouflaged spacecraft, then that very tall humanoid in the woman's apartment. What can the connection be? I don't understand. Apart from the signals that lead us here, we don't know anything. I've got no clue what we're searching here. What are the further plans? What does the Pentagon want? Obviously, they aren't planning a simple observation.'

'I've been thinking about this, too, but I've got no idea,' George began while Bomonsky also peeked in from behind the curtain.

'May I come in?' Bomonsky asked quietly.

'Sure, come in,' George replied while he yawned lying in his bed. 'There were a few things that didn't let either Chatrin or me rest. Mainly, the events of tonight. I think the woman wasn't accidentally here. Obviously, there must be a reason she was born here. I don't know, maybe, the energy centers. What we saw in the apartment might refer to this, too. She released an incredibly high energy wave. And the strange guy, he was not human, obviously.'

'I think, even the army doesn't know who they are facing,' Bomonsky butted in. 'We know what they need, what is unknown, and about which they think, they can make use of. I don't want to know what they'd do with that woman, if they caught her, and I don't even want to take part in this.'

'Somehow we should excuse ourselves, and should detect the information by ourselves.' Chatrin was thinking aloud.

'We can't check out. It would become suspicious immediately,' George replied. 'Otherwise, if we're here, we can keep an eye on them, too, and we're ahead of them. We're at a place that is practically an energy paradise. This is the place in the whole world where the most fresh water sources are and the most positive energy radiation. People tried to chase this nation out of this territory, for several hundred years, but despite the great losses, they could stay here. By now, they are not that strong as they used to be, but once they were dreadful for many. The ancestors of the Hungarians, just like the ancestors of the Sumerians, Mayans, and Egyptians, are said to have come from Atlantis, and received the ancient knowledge.'

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