Chapter 22 - The Unification

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According to terrestrial time, it was 4 March 2011, but out in the universe I had no clue what the date was. After the second hyperleap we arrived in a world several millions of kilometres away from Earth, which did not even resemble what I had expected. I had always known that other worlds and solar systems looked different; after all why should they look the same as all the others? The only thing in common was the star-dotted sky. I saw several small planets, not very far from us, but it was impossible to miss Nibiru.

As we arrived I felt it. I did not need to see it. I knew where it was. It felt enticing and relaxing. I was not scared, or anxious, just the opposite. I wanted to hasten the landing. I glanced at Vicky, and I could see on her, too, that she felt differently. She was searching for the words, but she could not find them, instead, she looked at me with wide open eyes. It was awesome as we were approaching Nibiru; our feelers were changing, too. We became more and more sensitive and receptive to the external things. We did not even need to talk. With one glance we knew what the others thought and felt. At that moment, we felt joy, a joy we had never felt before, but what we had wished for long time.

From the distance, Nibiru was exactly the same as Asamnek described it. A dark black gigantic planet, but a fluorescent light was waving around it. It was huge. Earth would fit into it at least two hundred times, or more. We stood up with Vicky practically at the same time; we made our steps next to each other towards Rovodan, who was steering the spaceshuttle. Asamnek and Araban went there, too, watching us in silence. My heart was beating faster and faster, when our craft at last turned to face Nibiru. We neared it slowly, and in the meantime we heard the co-pilot calling the base.

'This is the Rigelian Commander ship. Base Nibiru, we are requesting permission to land.'

After a short silence, the reply arrived.

'This is the Base. The identification is in process. You need to wait for the permission.' They heard the answer, which Asamnek did not really like.

'This is Chief Counsellor Asamnek from the Rigelian Commander Spacecraft. We are requesting permission for immediate landing,' he said sternly and decisively, while he leaned closer to the communication panel.

'Asamnek! Welcome home! We have been looking forward to you arrival!' the Base replied. 'You can start landing. Adamas is already on his way.'

'Message received, Base,' the co-pilot replied. 'We are starting.'

Suddenly, the space shuttle accelerated, and started off towards Nibiru. We did not feel the change of speed in the passenger cabin. I saw only through the window how fast we were approaching the planet. From the distance the planet was embraced in darkness, but it was changing as we were nearing. One would think the whole surface is dark and cold, but as we penetrated the dark shell surrounding Nibiru, I caught sight of a huge cavity, which the spacecraft flew through without a slow down. We went lower and lower. It seemed we were heading straight for hell. The descending tunnel curved to the left, then to the right, then at once it began to get lighter and lighter. The craft flew into an enormous hangar, where several other spaceshuttles and airplanes stood, which varied in size and type.

'We have arrived,' Asamnek turned to me. 'Are you ready?' he asked, and he motioned towards the opening door of the craft, signalling we could go through it.

'Well, I'm not sure,' I replied humble-mouthed. 'Can we prepare for that at all?' I asked, but by the time he answered, Vicky had started towards the exit.

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