Chapter 10- Expeditors in Annunaki, on the way to Nibiru

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Perhaps ten minutes had elapsed since we launched ourselves in a strange vehicle to the unknown, or at least unkown only to me. Asamnek and the other reconnaissance vehicles arrived together at a designated point near Earth. After some reconciliation, they acknowledged that everyone arrived unhurt and that the journey was successful – that is, Vicky and I were on board. Asamnek and his co-pilot arranged something which I could not understand, as they were communicating in a strange language, but I knew it had been about me as they had been squinting at me over their shoulders.

After a few stronger turns, we came on track, and the spacecraft was flying almost motionless. Asamnek came back to me as I was still sitting at the same place where I had been seated and fastened. He crouched in front of me and was scanning with his eyes. I had no idea of what he wanted, why he did not ask me directly, but they were different. I did not know many things about them, and it was also strange that following only a few hours of acquaintance, I went into such a madness. I guessed that the circumstances had backed up, and not just little. I could not look too good, as all the way I was glaring in front of myself with wide-open pupils, and Asamnek was peering at me like doctors are examining their patients. I was dazed. I had not really heard any sounds, so probably, I could not meaningfully respond to him. Everything was new around me, so I should have been excited, but instead, I was sitting myself with my thoughts and was waiting for answers.

By the time I managed to settle my thoughts, I had restrained myself and lifted my head, and I was looking directly into the eyes of Asamnek. He still did not say a word, just was waiting and looking. I slowly started to take a better look of the craft, and I saw that I could see the universe through the huge, invisible wall in front of the pilots. I felt it to be familiar and inviting, so I unfastened myself to go there.

I stood up slowly and a bit staggering I got going to the co-pilot, who sat with his back to me. Asamnek was accompanying me all the way, and when I lurched, he was there and helped me. Actually it was the first time I had been able to look into such a distance, but anyhow, I felt it familiar. The more we went away from Earth and the more we went forward into the darkness, the more familiar I found it. I started to come to life. I closed my eyes, and I felt the power, I felt that something wonderful, strong, and also frightful was calling. It was the first time for a long time when I had felt again that I lived, I had a goal, and I was heading somewhere.

I stood there still, and I enjoyed the feeling and the sight when Asamnek started to speak.

'How do you feel, René?' he asked carefully.

After taking a deep sigh I looked at him and with a faint smile on my face I went next to Vicky.

'Extremely well,' I answered, and I felt it indeed. 'It's strange but it feels as if I have stood here before and also looked out from here. It's a kind of deja vu, but you may not know what it is.'

'Yes, I know it. I have felt it several times on Earth when I was standing next to you,' he said thoughtfully. 'But this is not what I meant. Aren't you curious of what has happened to you?' he asked as he was not able to make sense of my behaviour and reaction.

'Well. I'm very much interested in what happened, but it can't help if I panic and shout at you like "Oh my god, what it was, explain it immediately, Aaaa",' I answered. 'But, in fact, I don't know how to place this thing. It frightens me, and it would be good to know what it was. It would be good to know what's going on with me and if it 's going to happen again. Will you tell me? Before I really panic.'

Asamnek pulled me back and seated me. It appeared that he was not going to give this up. Anytime he wanted to show or tell something important, he started like this.

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