Chapter 11 - Nibiru

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While we were trying to find out how we could repair the spacecraft the fastest and could leave Earth, the delegation arriving at Nibiru was getting more and more impatient and suspicious. Adamas had made his best to divert their attention and to gain time, but the people of Orion and Zet Reticuli were not stupid. On the contrary, they knew very well that now their time may have come, and without their planet, the people of Annunaki were more vulnerable than ever. For the time being, Adamas had accommodated them but closely monitored both envoys. Neituri and Borat from Orion had grown tired of waiting earlier and wanted immediate answers, so they asked for an extraordinary hearing from Adamas and wanted to meet the Emperor.

In order to achieve their goal, they had expressed their wish to one of the guards who transmitted the request through the device on his arm.

'Guard number two to Deputy General Counsel,'the Gurad started.

'Yes,' Adamas replied. 'What's happened?'

'The delegation from Orion requires immediate information and would like to meet the Emperor personally,' the Guard reported. 'They aren't willing to wait any longer.'

Adamas had lifted his head with his eyes closed and sighed deeply.

'I'm coming immediately. Don't do or say anything,' he answered, then hurried to the control room.

'Commander! Immediate report in need! Position of the General Counsel?' Adamas asked hastily.

'I'm sorry, Counsellor, but the connection has broken. Three reconnoisants were destroyed when they were attacked by the mercenaries of the Draconidas.' The Commander turned to Adamas. 'The last report was when before the jump Gorai and his men had encircled them. Since then we haven't been able to reach them at any frequency.'

'Which three spaceships have been lost?' Adamas asked, hoping that it was not Asamnek's spacecraft.

'NF 2, 3, and 4, and we don't know anything about the other two. Before the connection was lost, the co-pilot of Asamnek had sent a signal,' the Commander answered and paused for a moment, staring.

'What message have they left?' Adamas asked, and a bad feeling came to him, so he slowly stepped closer to the Commander. 'What happened to them?' he asked more quietly.

'They returned to Earth, and if all is true, they had made a forced landing,' the Commander replied and handed the report to Adamas, then he returned to the holographic radar and the crystals. 'We've been trying to contact them continuously, but the signals are too weak.'

Adamas' head was spinning. He was puzzled and did not know what the right step would be. He could not pass up somebody who might have been still alive and needed help but could not risk the security of all his people. The Grey had been importuning him and wanted an answer. He knew that if he did not make the right decision now all would end. There was not much left for the Emperor, and without Asamnek, who was the officer in charge and so he had to be here, he could not leave the base, but in any case, he wanted to send a rescue team.

Out of the five best scouts, there might have been only one left and that one was even stuck on Earth.

'Counsellor, the Orionians have already been waiting for you,' the Guard reported again.

'Tell them I'm on the way,' Adamas replied, thinking, then suddenly something occured to him and he stepped to the Commander.' Assign where they could be now! Each spacecraft has a tracker based on which we will know where they are. If you cannot, follow the signal released by the Chosen One. We have detected it much farther when the scouts left. Wherever he is, there will be the General Counsels.'

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