Chapter 14 - The Raid

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While we thought the following day everything would sort themselves out, and we would complete our little action, in which we would have the equipment stolen from two bases of the world that are practically impossible to get into, due to the disappearance of the Pentagon troop's researchers that had arrived in Hungary, the Pentagon set up a new plan. The disappearance of the previously arrived Majestic-12 researcher, George Brodsky and one of the most well-known astrobiologists, Chatrin Soytek made the Pentagon capture and take us with them, with the involvement of armed forces, if necessary. As for Adam Bomonsky, a warrant of arrest was issued against him. Since Chatrin and the others, in order to help us, had left and flown over Europe practically without any report, the Admiral handled their action as a personal issue. It did not even occur in his malicious mind that somebody else was involved in the case. He thought the fact that they had behaved suspiciously at the target person's, that is my, flat was sufficient evidence against them. Otherwise, he could not really stomach George, he looked forward to the possibility to humiliate him or eliminate him from the action.

While we were asleep, as far as it was possible in that nervous condition, the Pentagon tracked down Chatrin and others' flying to Ireland, using their own names, which was fairly amateur, but in fact, they were just scientists, not spies or secret agents. The Admiral thought he would catch them within twenty-four hours, and by the next evening he would be interrogating the ill-fated ones. Fortunately, he did not count with us, or rather, the Annunakis. They arrived in Ireland with a private jet, and as soon as the commando led by the Admiral landed, they immediately got into the black jeeps that had been ordered there. Since they knew exactly in which town they should look for us, they urgently asked the Irish government to provide them with all the assistance. Of course, they could not tell the truth about why they were seeking the scientists and us, so they lied. With the lie about searching for dangerous terrorists, they were always able to manage anything, so it happened this time, too.

The airport was half a day away from our accommodation, but in the neighbouring towns soldiers and plainclothes police officers were searching everywhere, of course, unobtrusively, without causing panic. If the press had smelled what they were looking for, the whole case would have got a publicity, that is, the action of the army would have failed. They visited every hotel and guest house, showed photos. Our accommodation was not an exception, either. It was Araban who had rented the rooms, so we were not seen, we were safe. As we were preparing for the next next day, we were resting, we did not even think of guarding, or taking turns sleeping. Fortunately, the Annunakis had completely different resting habits, therefore while we were sound asleep, they watched alertly. They were incredibly determined and courageous. They put their lives at stake for us, so I could not afford to watch them fighting. That night I could not sleep peacefully, either. The excitement probably added to it, because my dream was more vivid and realistic than usual. In contrast with my previous dreams, this did not take place in the past, it was rather the future that came to life before me. Just like before, I lived through the events. Some dream as an observer, but I was a partaker every time.

In my dream we were on an icefield where our small team was heading for. I saw the hangar, the guards, the aircrafts in various sizes, and I saw the aliens, too. The Tall and the Small Grey off-loading from one of the airplanes, which shape was unknown for me. I also felt the cold, and I had to hide not to be spotted. The Annunakis and me crouched behind a snowy rock. Looking back I saw the snowmobiles with which we had arrived at the station. We were three, I could not see Vicky anywhere, I could not even feel her presence. Asamnek and Araban were mutely communicating with each other, and yet I understood them, moreover, I was able to answer them. We had to sneak to the hangar at all events, but the guards did not stop even for a second, therefore Araban wanted to divert their attention. He sneaked to one of the airfreighters, and when nobody saw him, he placed something at the engine of the plane, which I could not recognise from that distance. He was away perhaps for two minutes, then when the field was clear, he came back to us. It was unusal of him that he bridged the distance almost crawling not to be spotted, though in his white overalls it was hard even for me to keep an eye on him, he melted so much into the icy landscape.

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