A Road Trip To War

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This story is my first story and I had a little help with it. Follow me and her please! Vote and read!

Oct, 18, 2016
I've decided to revamp the story, hope you like it.

Author: LoveBaconBits

Co-Author: vanitaramcharan

Katherine's POV

"Rave!" I yelled.

I make a sharp left turn in to my sister's dark haven and found her fast asleep.

"What do you want...?"

"Get up, we're going on our mini get away!" I exclaimed.

"You're way too perky this morning..." She groaned and rolled away from me.

I rolled my eyes and sat on her. She squirmed and pushed me off. I fell and landed face first.


I started to laugh and she started laughing too. We both got ready and packed to go to a cabin we rented.

"Off you go! Hope you have a nice trip!" My parents said as we packed the last minute stuff into the car.

"Hey Rave, did you get the bacon?" Katherine shouted.

"Yeah sis I got the bacon!" I yelled back as I put my bags into the trunk of Katherine's birthday present.

Yeah, it was a car. It was a midnight blue Nissan 350Z with awesome black details. I was born a year after Kat, my birthday is in May and her's is in April.

Hi my name is Raven. I have jet black hair, with crimped red tips. I have misty grey eyes and I love eye liner. My sister Katherine, also known as Kat, calls me Gothic Chic and I really don't care because I know it's true. Besides, I love my older sister.

Katherine also has grey eyes, but her eyes are dark grey with a tint of powder blue. She has long dark brown hair with a reddish brown tint when it's in the sun. She's a music junkie who's nice on the outside, but evil on the inside.

"Uh guys, I think we should get going because you said we would leave at 8:00 and now it's 9:00," Rima said excitedly.

"Whatever. I let you live an hour longer, don't get too happy," Kat stared at her.

That's my sister for you. Rima is our cousin who we hate. She's annoying, nosey, always stealing other people's boyfriend and she never shuts up! Kat and I took the front seats while Rima took the back. I decided to drive for the first half of the trip, since it was a four hour drive. After two hours of driving, we stopped at Tim Hortons.

"Just two more hours to go, you drive sis," I said as we waited for Rima to come back with our orders.

"I don't care just as long as we get there," she huffed.

"What's wrong Kat?" I questioned.

"Nothing," she said while looking at her shoes like they were the most amazing things in the world.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that," I said while tilting her chin up.

She resisted and looked away.

"Ever since I turned 18, my second person has been going insane to find a certain something. I don't want to find the certain something."

"It's okay! You're going to a cabin with me! Everything is going to be alright," I assured her.

"You sure?"


"Alright. Rima is not driving by the way," she lightly said.

"Of course! If she was driving, we'd all be dead," I practically yelled.

I covered my mouth with my hand and blushed crimson red as people in their cars stared at me.

"Hey, want to trick Rima?" Kat said with a devilish smile.

"Oh no, what are you thinking of?"

"Get in the car and you'll see."

So, I got into the car and Kat started the engine. She parked the car at the back of Tims. When Rima came outside with our orders, she was confused. So, she started shouting our names. Kat and I were laughing so hard! Instead of getting out of the car, we fell out of it!

Raven's POV

We were still laughing and on the ground.

"Dude! You okay?!?" Katherine asked through laughs.

"Yeah dude, are you alright?"

Kat stopped laughing all of a sudden, she was offered a hand and she took it.

"Thanks for helping me up," she smiled.

"No problem. Why were you laughing?" A guy asked.

"I'm playing a trick on my cousin and she is so confused!" She laughed again.

"What's your name?"

"Katherine, but you can call me Kat."

"Cute name for a cute girl. I'm Josh."

She winked at him and he gave her a bright white smile. She giggled and then three more guys joined him.

"Who's the pretty little miss?" One of the guys asked.

"Kat, meet Jordan, Lucas and Xavier."

She waved at them.

"It's nice to meet you Kat, but we got to go. We only have half an hour to get to our gig." Xavier said while running his fingers through his shaggy ginger hair.

"You like bands?" Lucas asked.

"I love bands!"

"Cool. She's an awesome chick," Jordan said, fixing his beanie in the wind shield and then he winked at me.

"You should check us out sometime." Josh said.

"I already am."

I smiled, typical flirty Kat.

"She's awesome dude! I wish there were more chicks like her back home," Xavier said.

"Yeah I know. Look, we gotta get going. So, here's our numbers. You wouldn't mind guys right?" Josh said.

"Totally bro." Lucas said.

"I definitely want her number." Jordan pointed at me and I got up from my hiding spot.

I waved and Kat winked at me.

"She's hot! Give her my number," Xavier said and blew a kiss to Kat.

Josh kissed Kat on her cheek and the band started to leave.

"I'll see you again in person one day. If you need help, just give us a shout or we would come to you. A hug is being called for right now." Josh said and Kat hugged him.

"Hey! That's not fair! We want one too!" Jordan said laughing.

So, Kat hugged all of them and they started to pile up in their van. Josh wrote four names with four different phone numbers. She gave them her number as well, and then they left.

"And that's how it's done Ray," she turned to me and waved the piece of paper.

"There you guys are!" She whined.

"Let's get going, I don't want to get late for check in." Katherine said while jumping into the driver's seat.

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