The Prank

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So, we slept in peace that night and woke up to a sunny day. We all had bacon and pancakes with coffee for breakfast. Raven and I ditched Rima so we can go to the woods. When we went into the woods, we didn't see any sign of the guys. We walked deep into the woods until there was open space with trees surrounding it.

"Where could they be? Did you even listen to Alex last night?'' Raven asked.

"Yeah! I'm pretty sure..."

All of a sudden, three guys jumped out of the bushes and one piercing scream followed.

"Wow, I'm surprised." I said sarcastically.

"We didn't scare you? Then who screamed?'' Jacob asked.

I looked at Raven and she was pale. I went up to her and hugged her.

"It's alright. The guys were trying to scare us."

"That was dirty pool! You messed with the wrong person!"

I let go of Raven and then hugged Alex. I felt the mate mark burning the longer I hugged him and this tells me he's happy.

"So what did you guys plan on doing today?" I asked.

"We were planning to prank people at the spa today, but since you guys are here, we can do something else." Alex said with a little disappointment.

"We love to prank!" Raven and I said like we were in sync.

"Alright then. Here's our plan. Gather around guys."

So, we discussed the prank plan and split into partners. Addison said he would go solo, Jacob and Alex wanted to be my partner. When I picked Alex over him, he whispered to me.

"Be careful."

Then I nodded to him. Why do I need to be careful? So in the end, Raven and Addison were partners. Alex and I were partners, he seems to be relieved. Jacob went solo. I held Alex's hand and he squeezed it. We headed to the back entrance of the spa building. Jacob had to go to the locker room and put fake barf on the floor with fake maggots. Raven and Addison had to go to the storage room to put some poison ivy in the facial scrubs. Alex and I had to switch the security systems off. There were two people in the TV room. I tied my hair enough to make it look like I have shoulder length hair, fixed the uniform the guys had given me and put on fake glasses.

"Hello there! I'm showing the rookie what he will be doing for the next few days." I said with a smile.

"Are you sure? Miss?" He said looking me up and down. He then grinned and looked satisfied.

"Okay then, we'll go on our break."

"Alright, see you later."

Then they left.

"How the heck did you do that?" Alex asked surprised and impressed.

"It's called acting dear. Now shut off the cameras." I said feeling proud of myself.

He went to the control station and turned off the cameras.

"Text the others quickly!"

So, I text the others to move on with the plan. After 10 minutes or so, they were done. My phone started ringing and answered it.

"We're all by the back entrance, where are you two?"

"We'll be there in a few minutes." I said an hung up.

"We got to go."

Alex and I left through the front door to make sure that no one sees us. We met everyone at the back door and ran towards the woods. We ran until we were in the middle of the woods where we started. Everyone dropped on the ground in laughter.

"That was awesome!" Jacob said still laughing.

"You guys should come with us more often." Addison said.

"Yeah, you should come more often." Alex said lying on his stomach while he looked at me.

After that, we chilled out by a pier near our cabins with a small fire.

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