A Legend Coming True

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Alex's POV

Where did she go? She can't just disappear! That idiot had to tell everyone the legend of werewolves and scare off Katherine! I think I should transform, it would make my search easier, but I might scare her. I sat there waiting for some movement. Then my eyes caught this white thing running towards me, but I stayed hidden in the bushes. It was...no it can't be. The Omega Jewel stopped and picked up my scent. It was coming closer, so to spare it the trouble, I got out of hiding. The Omega Jewel faced away from me when I jumped out of the bushes. The more closer I get to it, the more it avoids eye contact with me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't want to meet the Alpha Jewel and I never plan to!" She started growling.

"I think you already have, in human form. Am I wrong, Katherine?"

"I'm not meeting the Alpha Jewel in wolf form, even if it's you...Alex." She said and ran off deeper into the woods.

"Katherine!" I shouted and chased after her.

When she stopped, I jumped her.

"Ugh! Why are you heavy?!?" She asked while trying to get out of my rock solid grip.

"Katherine! Calm down! I don't want to meet the Omega Jewel, even though if she's the prettiest girl I know. The meeting is going to happen one way or the other." I said putting my weight on her.

"Yet you're sitting on me!" She said while trying to push me off of her.

"If I get off, promise me you won't run."


I got up and she ran from underneath me. She was happy and she stretched out herself. Then she sat down, still avoiding eye contact with me. I went near her and laid down.

"Why don't you want to meet me eye to eye Katherine?"

"Because I don't want the war. I'm afraid I might have to kill Raven and Addison." She said as she walked to where I was and placed her head on my neck.

"You know about Addison?"

"And Jacob. You lied to them."

"I had to, Addison would kill the Alpha Jewel and Jacob wanted to protect it. So I lied to them about it and said that I was mortal."

"Raven is a Pure Blood and she knows that I'm the Omega Jewel. Her mission was to find the Jewels and kill them both. She loves me too much to do that." She got up and looked at me.

"I can't believe your the Alpha Jewel, your just like what I've imagined."

"The same goes to you, your beautiful, even in wolf form."

She laughed and that made me smile.

A Road Trip To WarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora