Knocking On The Door

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Someone was knocking at the door.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Addison asked.

"Nope, I'm cuddling with my hot babe right now." Alex smiled at me and I smiled back.

"He knows that we're mates!" Omega Jewel said excitedly.

"Oh, you've found... " Addison stopped talking when he opened the door.

"Well hello. Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm looking for my sister, Katherine."

"Let her in," I said.

"You left me for two hours with that rat!"

"Glad to see you too. This is Alex and Addison."

"I'll talk to you about your disappearance later," she said seriously, but in her eyes, you could tell that she was happy for me.

I nodded and she went back to Addison.

"I like your outfit, it suits you." Addison said with a smirk on his face.

"Thank you. Who's biker boots are those?" Raven pointed at the metal studded boots near the door.

"Mine. I also have a metal studded bracelet and other stuff in my room. Wanna check it out?" He asked shyly.


Then they went into the room that Addison came out of earlier.

"Was that just me, or did you see that too?" I asked surprised.

"I saw that too but let it be. You still cold?"

"No, not any more."

"Good to hear." He kissed my cheek.

We were now lying down on the fold out couch. Alex placed his arm undermine and I fell asleep, but then woke up again because someone was at the door.

"See? He cares about you," Omega Jewel said.

"Jacob! Go get the door." Addison yelled.


A very sleepy blond walked out of another room and then stopped. He looked at Alex and me funny. Alex mouthed something to him and he gave us a thumbs us. He opened the door and stood there.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could get the number from that hot guy lying on the couch?"

I softly growled and Alex sensed that. He bit my shoulder, I yelped and started bleeding. He licked the blood and I looked at the mark that was left behind. I pretended to fall asleep and I just listened to what was happening.

"The mate mark," Omega Jewel said with awe.

"I'm so sorry about the mate mark," a third person said.

"Who are you?" Omega Jewel asked.

"I'm Blake, your mate," he said.

"Well I'm Sapphire and don't worry about the mate mark, it was bound to happen soon."

Sapphire is Omega Jewel's hidden name.

"I heard you growl, even if it was sexy, I never want you to get angry or jealous, so I reacted by giving you the mate mark."

"I'm surprised that Kat isn't putting her negative two cents into this conversation."

"Negative two cents?"

"She didn't want to meet her mate because she's the more lone wolf type. She doesn't want anyone near her except for Raven and she always said that mates are over rated. Maybe I shouldn't have said that," Omega Jewel said in regret.

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