Looking For Katherine

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When they left, I turned into a grey wolf and searched for Katherine. I picked up her scent easily. I followed it and then all of a sudden, I heard some whimpering. I looked around and then my eyes laid on something sitting. It was beautiful, it had snow white fur and sharp ears. I went closer to it and it seemed to notice. I stopped, then I went even closer and then it got up. It turned around and met my eyes. They were grey, the moonlight made them look powder blue. I think it's a she and she seemed like she was crying. So I went closer to her and then she started growling.

"It's alright, it's me. Jacob."

"Get away from me! You want the war against vampires and werewolves as soon as possible don't you?" She growled.

"I can't go to the ancestors! I'm an omega! Like you!"

"I don't want to meet the Alpha Jewel..." She sat back down.

"How come? Werewolves are immortal enemies to vampires." I walked over to her and sat beside her.

"Promise me you won't say anything?"

"I swear."

"I don't want to have the war because I might have to kill...Raven."

"Raven!?!? I knew she was a vampire!"

"You did?!?"

"Her eyes turned red when you ran into the woods."

"Oh. Raven is a Pure Blood, she's a lethal weapon."

"What!?! She's one of the five strongest werewolf assassins?!?"

"Yeah, she can kill the whole werewolf nation in one war."

"Man! Wait, would she kill Addison?"

"Why would she do that?"

"He's...a vampire too."

"Oh no. I might have to kill the both of them..."

She lowered herself to the ground. I placed my head on her shoulders.

"What are we going to do? We can't just kill them! We love them."

"I know what we're not going to do, meet the Alpha Jewel."

"Wait, is Alex mortal?"

"Yeah, he told Addison and me that he was mortal, but I doubt it. One time he acted up and his eyes changed from light brown to a bright yellow."

"That doesn't sound mortal at all."

"I question it every now and then. You should head back, come with me." I got up and nudged her with my nose.

"I'm fine right here. I'm still thinking about something."

"No, come with me back to the cabin. It's not safe out here, you might meet the Alpha Jewel and we can't let that happen.''


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