The Vampire Confessions

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Raven's POV

"Where is Jacob, Katherine and Alex?" Addison asked.

"I don't know, I'm scared!" I yelled.

"Don't worry they probably went for a walk, they'll be back soon."

He whispered to me and pulled me back down next to him. All of a sudden I was struck with fear and then jumped from the couch. I gave Addison a death stare.

"You know something, and your not telling me!" He said while getting closer to me.

"No! What are you talking about!?!" I said and started to panic.

I backed far enough to hit the front door and I tried to open it. Where's the stupid doorknob!?!? All of a sudden, I felt an icy breath on my face. As I looked up slowly, my eyes met an angry face with dark red piercing eyes. I placed my hands on his chest to push him away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Please! You're hurting me!" I finally managed to say without crying.

He saw me struggling against his tight grip. As I looked up at him, his eyes soften as he let go of my hands.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, regretting the fact that he hurt me.

I finally manged to grab the door handle that refused to show up earlier. I ran out the door before he could catch me and made my way to the pier where we had the fire. Addison rushed up to me and gave me a warm hug. He kept on saying sorry and please forgive me but I ignored him.

"I'm sorry! I just got angry because I thought we had something, but you can't trust me!" He raised his voice and then ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair.

"We do, but you changed back at the cabin! What was with your eyes and you feeling cold?!?"

"If I tell you this, would you run away or start screaming?"

"Depends on what it is..."

"Alright then. I'm...a vampire."

I ran to him and whispered to him.

"I am too."

He looked at me with surprise, then he looked into my eyes and saw them change from misty grey to a royal red.

"You are a vampire." He said kissing my forehead gently.

"But what you don't know, is that I'm a Pure Blood..."

"A Pure Blood? Wait, do you know about Jacob?"

"No, I don't."

"He's a werewolf."

"So wait, Alex is mortal?"

"I don't know. He said he was."

"Katherine is a werewolf, remember the 'dog' that Jacob brought to your cabin?"


"That was her."

He looked at me with disbelief and then his facial expression changed when he heard howling. A bunch of wolf shape figures emerged from the dark woods. Then they stopped and made a pathway. Out came a beautiful snow white wolf with grey eyes and beside it was a jet black wolf with soft, kind yellow eyes. I immediately knew it was Katherine, although the wolf beside her was unknown to me. As they approached us, Katherine, the white wolf howled and I guessed that indicated the others to leave.

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