Chapter 8

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[Spokenstar's POV]

I went back to my den to rest. I was getting older. I didn't know how much longer I would live. I wouldn't live much longer with all of these attacks. I had almost died from Greystar. Then Silverstar came and rescued me. If it hadn't been for him I would of died and gone to StarClan and saw my mother, siblings, mate, and friends. I sighed and closed my eyes. I had already told Nightmoon to wake me up before we left for the gathering so I was fine to go to sleep for a little bit.

I woke up in StarClan and saw Flashstar, Redstar, and Rainstar in front of me. I was trying to wonder why Flashstar was there. I looked around a little more and saw Clearblaze, Shimmerfall, and Tuxheart coming over to me. It was most of my family. I didn't see my two siblings at all so I gave up looking for them. Then I saw Silverstar appear beside me.

"Why am I here? Silverstar? Are you dead?" I asked. I thought he still had like eight more lives left. He could of died. Could he?

"No, I'm not dead Spokenstar." Silverstar smiled to me softly.

"Silverstar wanted to bring you here from when he lost a life. So, I decided to just bring you both into the same dream." Flashstar said.

"I decided to come too." Redstar chuckled.

"Me too!" Rainstar laughed.

"Hey! Don't forget us!" Clearblaze, Shimmerfall, and Tuxheart all said.

"Okay, so what is it that you have to tell me?" I asked somewhat scared.

"One, the Dark Forest won't stop until you, Nightmoon, and Amberfur are dead. Bloodtear wants you all dead." Redstar told me. I nodded and dipped my head to him.

"Well then DepthClan will just have to kill him again because we aren't going down without a fight." I told him. He smiled a little.

"Also, don't kill Greystar unless you have too." Shimmerfall told me. I turned to her a little confused.

"Why is that?" I asked. She had almost killed me. She's just as bad as Toadstar and Bloodstar.

"She's not evil. She's just being controlled by evil. A Dark Forest tom by the name of Snakefall has tricked her into evil. She is just going what he says." Clearblaze told me. I nodded to my dead mate and looked back to Flashstar.

"Now that we have got that over with, I'm going to tell you what you actually need to know." Flashstar said and did a quick glare to my family.

"Go ahead, we won't interrupt." Rainstar said softly.

"Good, now, Spokenstar. There are more then the five clans you know of. There are actually fifteen." Flashstar said. Silverstar looked confused.

"But when you told me earlier you said there was only fourteen." Silverstar said.

"Yes, I did. Shadow has found another clan. It was ruled by her sister, Eagle, until it became a true clan. When it became a true clan, Brave became leader. He became Bravestar. I have also seen some small things from it. The new leader is Faithstar. I'm not sure of their name though." Flashstar said. Soon a dark grey shecat came over quickly. I guessed it was Shadow.

"The name of it is LavaClan after Bravestar's true clan name. It was Lavapaw until he found the rouges." Shadow said.

"You guys are confusing me." I sighed.

"Okay, so basically there are fifteen clans. They will unite at some point in time. You will all live together. All fifteen of you." Flashstar said making it simpler.

"You still can't tell when?" Silverstar asked a little bit.

"Oh, I can now. It's not for anytime soon. Many generations will go by. Five will rise again by different names. They kin shall be the leaders of all the clans and that's how they will unite." Flashstar said.

"Now, it's almost time for the gathering. You guys better wake up." Redstar said and they started to fade.

"Spokenstar! Spokenstar! Come on!" Nightmoon said as she pushed me up. I woke back up in my den and I looked to my kit.

"Thank you." I told her and got up.


Want to guess how many generations it will be? It starts at Tinypaw's. There will be a lot. If anyone gets it right I will be surprised. And yes, there is another clan. It works better this way. I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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