Chapter 30

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[Spokenstar's POV]

A yowl sounded off in the distance. I knew that kind of yowl right away. It was a battle yowl. The battle was coming now.

"Protect the nursery! Don't let anyone get in there. Nightmoon, come with me. We got some battles to settle." I yowled. If we were going to go down, we weren't going down without a big fight. Cheetahpelt ran over to me.

"Should I go get MapleClan? I can run quicker than anyone else and I think I can avoid the battle patrol." He asked quickly.

"Yes. That will be best if we have back up. Tell Silverstar to bring his whole clan. We will need them." I told him. He nodded and quickly scampered out of camp as quickly as he possibly could.

Nightmoon came next to me. She looked like she was ready to fight for her live. That was good. That's what I needed. I had already told Flamefur one thing if something happens to us. She would know what to do. If I went down, DepthClan was not coming down with me. I would not let it.

"Are we ready?" Nightmoon asked me quietly.

"As ready as we are going to be. I've told Flamefur what to do if Bloodtear happens." I told her. She would understand what I meant. Bloodtear hated me and my family. He wanted us all dead. More me than anyone else.

"I guess it's time to face Bloodtear. We are ready then." Amberfur said coming over to her sister and me.

"Yea, we are as ready as we are going to get." I told my two daughters. I looked over to the nursery and saw Flamefur was one of the ones protecting the queens and kits.

"Bloodtear should know not to mess with us. He's got a lot of nerve to attack us." I said. Then I saw Greystar in the trees.

"WingClan! Attack!" She yowled. Cats rushed into the camp. The Dark Forest warriors were there too. I could see Bloodtear coming over to Nightmoon, Amberfur, and me.

"Spokenstar! Behind you!" Someone yowled from the fighting. It sounded like Flamefur but she was fighting a dark ginger shecat.

I took her heeding and quickly turned around and saw Greystar leaping into the air. I hissed and jumped to meet her in the air. She still had more power over my bigger and weaker body. She pinned me easily as we hit the ground. Amberfur and Nightmoon quickly came to help but Nightmoon was attacked by Bloodtear while Amberfur was attacked by some other cat. I guessed it was Maplefur since those two were never far apart.

"You will die today. You can't deny it. You only have one life left you pathetic leader." Greystar spit in my face. I was defenseless. I couldn't move my paws or anything. She had me completely pinned down. Then a flash of red fur tackled Greystar and pinned her down. I could tell it was Flamefur easily by just looking at her. I was saved for a little longer.


Sorry, been busy and had writer's block on like everything recently. I just got this. I'm sad to say that there are only two more real chapters. Then this is done. I'm going to fast forward the fighting a little since I really don't like doing it too much. I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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