Chapter 18

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[Leopardpaw's POV]

"The kits!" A yowl came from the nursery. I got up immediately from my robin and rushed over to see Daisypaw in pain. My eyes widened then I felt a tail next to me. It was Tulippaw. She smiled softly though her eyes stayed on her sister in pain.

"Coming! Move out of the way." Sparklight said with Creampaw following after her. Oh yea, my sister was going to become a medicine cat apprentice in the next clan meeting. I was glad for her but now all I could think of was my mate in pain.

"Come on Leopardpaw. We need to talk while she gives birth." Tulippaw told me. I nodded and followed after her quickly. We both went out of the camp and into the forest.

"What is this about?" I asked her once she stopped and sat down. I sat down across from her and looked into her eyes.

"It's just about my sister, that's it." She said as her eyes stared into mine. Well it felt like she was staring into my soul but I wouldn't tell her that.

"What do you want to say? The sooner this is over, the sooner I get to go back to her." I rushed a little bit.

"Slow down. This will all be fine. Your not in trouble. I just kinda wanted to thank you." She smiled shyly. This was one thing I didn't understand with shecats. They were angry one moment then nice the next.

"Thank me for what?" I asked a little confused. I didn't know what I had done.

"Well first for letting us into the clan, and second was for making my sister's wish come true." She said.

"What was her wish?" I asked kinda wanting to know now.

"It was to have kits one day with a handsome tom that cared about her. I can see you care a lot about her, and you are handsome." Tulippaw giggled a little. I felt my fur heat up a little and I forced myself to tear away from her glare and look to the girl.

"Oh thanks. Is that all? I want to see my kits. I'm sure you want to see your sister's kits too." I asked and looked back up to her.

"Yea, let's go so she doesn't name them by herself." Tulippaw laughed a little and started to head back to the camp. I hurried after her.

"Let's run just in case." I told her. She nodded and started to run next to me.

I kept up pretty well and we soon got to the camp really quickly. I headed over to the nursery and saw Sparklight and Creampaw still working. The two queens and their kits were still in the elders den. I quickly padded over to Midnightsplash to ask her what was happening.

"What's wrong? Why are they still there? Should it take this long?" I asked her getting nervous. I turned back to the nursery and saw Creampaw talking to Tulippaw. Tulippaw was saying nothing with a sad look on her face. My face turned as cold as ice.....


DUNNN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!! Yay! Another chapter! I might have the next one up soon too since I don't want to stay on this kind of cliffhanger forever. Also, I have one question. Which guide to which Clan would you like to see next? Pick one below:


Just pick one and I'll get the guide up as soon as possible. Once it's up, it should have all the past leader, current leader, past deputies, current deputy, past medicine cats, and current medicine cat(s) in the beginning then I'll work on all the other cats.

Okay, now I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to comment which clan's guide and leave a vote!

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