Chapter 32

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[Midnightsplash's POV]

I had to go to the Moonstone now. I had chosen Cheetahpelt to be my deputy so he was in charge of the camp while I was gone. Most of us were still grieving for the death of Spokenstar and Nightmoon. StarClan said I had to be leader now. I had to do this. I stopped by Sparklight and Creampaw's den and waited for them. Our trip wasn't going to take too long since it wasn't a long distance but they still insisted on leaving early just on case.

"We are coming. Now let's go." Sparklight hissed a little. I nodded ready for this. The two medicine cats came out quickly and we headed out of camp.
The actual journey didn't take that long. We soon got to the Moonstone just as the moon was starting to rise over it.

"We must hurry now." Sparklight said then went down the tunnel. I followed her then Creampaw followed me.

Once we got down there the stone was shining brightly. I knew what to do. I touched my nose to the stone then fell asleep as my old life was torn away. I couldn't move as my old life was being torn away.

Soon that was done and nine cats stood in front of me. I knew most of them. There was Wingkit, Firestream, Bluesnow, Embercloud, Tuxheart, Nightmoon, Spokenstar, and two other cats I didn't know. Wingkit stepped up first.

"I am here to give you your first life. With this life I give you endurance. Use it wisely to never stop fighting for your clan." Wingkit smiled then touched my forehead with her tiny little nose.

The next cat stepped up. It was Firestream. I wanted to cry right then. My mate was dead. I would never have any more kits.

"I am here to give you your second life. With this life I give you mother's love. Use it well to defend your clan as if you were defending your kit." Firestream purred then touched my forehead with his nose.

The next cat stepped up. I never knew her much but she was nice to me. It was Bluesnow. She wasn't really herself when I first joined DepthClan but I heard so many great stories about her from her family.

"I am here to give you your third life. With this life I give you trust. Use it to trust your clan." Bluesnow purred to me then touched my forehead with her nose.

The next cat stepped up. The ginger tom was easy to tell who he was. He died in one of the first fights. It was Bluesnow's mate, Embercloud.

"I am here to give you your fourth life. With this life I give you courage. Use it to always be able to fight and not back down." Embercloud meowed then touched my forehead with his nose.

The next cat stepped up. I didn't know him that long either. He also died in a fight. The black and white tom was Nightmoon and Amberfur's brother.

"I am here to give you your fifth life. With this life I give you justice. Use it well to know what to do." Tuxheart smiled then touched my forehead with his nose.

The next cat stepped up. I didn't know this one.

"Hello, I am Depthstar, the first leader of DepthClan. I am here to give you your sixth life. With this life I give you adventure. Always be seeking more stuff." The cat meowed. She then touched my forehead with her nose.

The next cat stepped up. I didn't know that one either.

"Hello, I am Rainstar, the leader before Spokenstar. I am here to give you your seventh life. With this life I give you the ability to mentor. Use it well to train new apprentices." The shecat, Rainstar, purred then touched my forehead with her nose.

The next cat was just as black as me with unforgettable pink eyes. It was Nightmoon.

"I am here to give you your eighth life. With this life I give you grace. Some cats don't do everything and you need to give them grace." Nightmoon purred then touched my forehead with her nose.

The next cat was my leader. I always looked up to her. She let me in the clan. She was an amazing leader. Now she was dead.

"I am here to give you your ninth life. With this life I give you leadership. You might not know what to do but you have your clan to help." Spokenstar purred and touched her nose to my forehead. She turned around to face the other StarClan cats.

"I give you the new leader of DepthClan! You are now to be called Midnightstar. You will lead DepthClan now." She said. I nodded and started to wake up.


So yea, Midnightstar is now ruler. I just have to complete the bonus chapter then start on the next book. I can't wait to get started on it! I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

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