Chapter 25

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[Snowingblaze's POV]

"Yes! I would love to be your mate." I purred to him. He opened his mouth as if to say something then fell down!

I rushed to his side and nudged him. He was still breathing. Good. I had to get him to MapleClan territory now. We weren't that far which was good. I got him on my back and started to walk slowly toward the river that separated TideClan and MapleClan territory. I would be fine once I get him over there.

Fox-dung, he weighed a lot. I kept struggled and finally got to the river. Now I had to find a way to cross it without loosing him in the water. The water didn't look too deep so I might be able to swim across quickly. I reached down with my paw to touch the water. As soon as my paw touched the water, Duskspark stopped breathing. I gasped and laid him on the grass next to me. He went back to breathing.

Now I couldn't get him across. I had to find someone on patrol. They were still at the gathering so I figured we would be fine a little longer. I just had to get to MapleClan's camp and get them to help me. I looked back at Duskspark once more and buried my muzzle in his chest fur.

"Be safe and may StarClan be with you." I whispered almost about to cry. I quickly jumped over the river and bolted my way to MapleClan camp. This all felt familiar to me so it was easier.

I got there pretty soon and I saw my brother was in charge. I stared up to him as he laid on the branches under the leader's branch. He looked like a real leader. Maybe he could be leader one day.

"Venompaw." I started not knowing what else to say. He jumped down quickly and ran over to me.

"Snowingpaw! Your okay! I'm Venomtooth now." He purred with his best grin.

"Well I'm Snowingblaze now. I need your help. Duskspark and I were going to get to the Moonstone but he fainted. I can't get him across the river. Please help me brother!" I begged him. He stared at me for a second then nodded.

"I will do it since you like him. Go get Blossompaw and Moonflash. They should be enough." He told me. I nodded and headed over to where I saw my mom.

"Mother, we need you to help me. Go over to Venomtooth and he will explain." I told her softly. She nodded and went over to her son. I went to the apprentice den next and saw Blossompaw asleep. Why did I have to do this? I walked over to her and nudged her awake.

"Leave me alone." She hissed.

"Nope, no can do Blossompaw. Venomtooth needs you to help him." I told her. She popped her head up out of her little curl and stared up to me.

"Snowingpaw! Your back!" She smiled a little. I was about the only person that could actually talk to her.

"I'm sorry little one, I'm Snowingblaze now and I'm not coming back. I'm staying in TideClan once we get it back." I told her. She sighed and got up.

"Why do you want to stay with them?" She asked as she walked next to me.

"Because I love the new leader, Duskspark."

"But he doesn't have a leader's name. How is he a leader?"

"We were just going to the Moonstone."

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