Chapter 23

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[Winterpaw's POV]

I snuck away from my clan to go over to the WingClan side. I had to see Thornpaw. I just hope he was there. I slithered through the cats of WingClan trying to find him. I soon saw Frecklepaw and stopped by him.

"Hey Frecklepaw, is Thornpaw here?" I asked him. He turned to me. It didn't look like him. His eyes looked a little bigger and it also looked like he liked WingClan. He shook his head and his eyes went back to normal.

"Yea, he's over in the back. Be careful." He warned me. I nodded to him and told him a quick thank you before heading to the back of the group.

I finally spotted Thornpaw and headed over to him slowly. Little did I know that two other cats had been following me. I looked to Thornpaw as noticed a little smirk on his face. I turned around and saw two big cats behind me- well in front of me at that point. I backed up into Thornpaw.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Winterpaw. Coming back to me aren't you?" Thornpaw asked with a huge smirk plastered on his face.

"Thornpaw, what are you saying? Who are you? You aren't the Thornpaw I know." I stuttered a little scared of what would happen to me.

"I am saying that you should have never came back. I am Thornpaw. I've always been like this." He laughed evilly. I growled slightly and unsheathed my claws ready to attack. I wasn't going down without a fight.

"Can we take her yet?" One of the cats, clearly an EverClan warrior.

"Go ahead. Kill her while your at it. She is of no use to Greystar or anyone else." Thornpaw said and looked me in the eyes. "Not even me." He whispered into my ear. It sent chills up my spine.

"Alright! Let's kill her." The other cat, also an EverClan warrior, smiled excitedly. They pushed me against the trees that surrounded the gathering place. I wanted to yowl but I knew it would be no point in it. I would have to fight.

I willingly went with that until they led me to a river. I looked at it a little scared since I couldn't swim at all. My fur was way too think and I would be weighed down to much. I turned to my two attackers and hissed ready to fight. They laughed and quicker than I could move dug their claws into my paws and pelt then after they were satisfied with my pain pushed me into the river. I took one last breath before plunging beneath the icy cold water.

I couldn't see anything in the water. I knew I was at the bottom though since I felt the rocks embedding themselves into my cold fur. I started to give up. Only Lightningpaw, Swirlpaw, and Skyleap would care about me. No one else really would. I wished that Thornpaw would. I actually liked him and to think he betrayed me this whole time. It just wasn't fair!

I had to get out. My lungs started to burn then I felt someone pulling on my scruff. They were to late though. My last breath was gone and my lungs were filling up with too much water. I closed my eyes in defeat hoping I would wake in StarClan.


There we go. I'm sorry. But wait till I go back to it! It will be really sweet! I promise! You know I love sweet things. Okay, now I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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