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"Arigato,, kaname."

"Anything for the village, hokage-sama" , Kaname replies kneeling and bending his head with respect towards the hokage.

"Nee....kaname...don't be so formal all the time. I m ur uncle after all. You need to loosen up Infrnt of ur family..."

"Hai, I will b more careful about my behaviour next time", Kaname politely replied .

Tch !!! Naruto replies with a hopeless sigh at this young ninja.

He is of course very important to him. But as the uchihas , he too , couldn't escape the cursed fate. He is a lot like Itachi ,

even after inheriting all the strongest powers , he is as kind and polite , he possibly could be...

But , people don't understand him. They don't want to accept him because of his past. Even though kaname bears it all with a smile but his sadness and loneliness can't escape naruto's eyes,

after all ....he was like him too as a child. "Anyways, I might will again give u missions with jonins outside Anbu, is that ok?"

"Hai, I will try my best. "

U should go home now, it was a quite hectic and long mission .

"Hai, homage-sama". Replying this kaname leaves the hokage tower. Naruto couldn't help but worry about this boy...

Tch !!! He is even a bigger problem than Sasuke. Naruto spoke rubbing his forehead .

"It's because ur head is so thin to deal with it. "A voice commented from outside the door.

Humm?!? Oi, temme !!what was that ??? Naruto screamed not caring about any politeness with this certain raven haired shinobi , who just opened the door.


Oi, Sasuke....


Is it ok to leave everything on him like this ? He is still too young. And....

Sasuke meaningfully stared at his friend assuring him to continue.

"The villagers don't trust him. that's it ? Sasuke planely commented looking strait at naruto' eyes.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. He will gain their respect one day . I know him . After all , he is itachi's son. And nephew too. "

Oi,, he is my nephew too!!! U temme.

Sasuke couldn't help but smirked at naruto' childish angry face .

"Well , he is in good hands", Sasuke walks out without giving naruto any chance to say anything more.

"Tch !! These two.....dattebayo.....

Although Sasuke assured naruto , but truth is , he is concerned too about kaname.

He is the most precious momento to Sasuke beside sarada. After all he is itachi's son. Sasuke can do anything for him.

Itachi sacrificed his everything for him, as a brother. And Sasuke will not permit anything wrong with kaname.

- Children's screams and laughters brings him back to reality

.,he reached konoha academy. It's the first time he came to pick up his daughter from school.

He couldn't fulfill his duty as a father becoz of his long mission. So now , when he have the chance he doesn't want to miss it.

He wants his daughter and kaname to have everything in life unlike him and Itachi.

Sasuke suddenly stops, noticing a familiar figure leaning against the tree with closed eyes, infront the academy building , waiting...

"Kaname....?! ? "

"Kaname ni-saaaaaan !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
another familiar figure , who was busy lecturing his yellow haired friend , comes running towards the called person with a World Cup winning biggest smile .

Kaname bend down to hug his little cousin who jumped over to him.

"Hey,, champ.... ", Kaname smiled ruffling the raven haired girl's hair.

You r back!!!!! Sarada screams with the most excitement to get his cousin back..

Yes, I m back... Kaname replies with a smile while pulling her on his back ...

how are u boruto-kun?

"Fine as usual. All credit goes to ur annoying little sister. " Boruto replied with annoyance .

"Nii -San let's go home. I have a trunk of stories to tell you" , Sarada pouts encircling her arms around kaname' s neck acting not to give any heed to the boy's words .

"I see. Then I guess u two r having quite a good time. "Kaname stands up patting boruto' s head .

Nee- boruto ! Go home straight. Otherwise ur mom will b worried... Sarada orders the yellow haired boy with a glare before changing her smile into a wide toothy grin towards her brother. Let's go home, ni-San !!!!!!!


Sasuke who was watching the whole scene from a distance , smiled silently while making his way to home. "I guess I m not needed ".

Sasuke felt relieved inside watching his children like this.

Although he couldn't do his duty as a father , but kaname is perfect as a big brother.

The happiness in sarada's eyes reminds him , of his former kid self. He used to goof off that way, when Itachi would come to pick him up from school.

Even with the drastic schedule as "anbu captain " kaname never fails to do his duty like Itachi.

The two ...are a lot like how he and Itachi used to be.

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