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We are running for almost 3 hrs . Its strange that i m running ahead of him  ...

Spending even little time around him ,occasionally having one or two peck at him ,  without his knowledge of course.... has became one of my favorite hobbies.

I m becoming even more stupid !

But then again , i wish he had known .. what he actually means to me .

From the time I started loving him, he became my inner strength without my knowledge .

when I m around him , I feel nervous and actually do a lot of awkward things ...that's obviously not me ....

I do silly things

But what can I do .. it's not in my control...may be this what we say love makes u do the most unexpected.

whenever I see him ...I just keep  watching him . I can sense I freeze...I feel something strange , my heart beat  becomes louder  ...and a weird smile takes after my face , all without my knowledge..

And sure there goes his handsome face ....heck !!! What am I thinking ...stop himawari ......stop being a fangirl....!!!!!

What the heck happens to me ???

I totally do not understand me while him being around ...I know I m strong ...and obviously not a fan girl ....but what I feel ...is totally unbelievable!!!!

I feel good ...a kind of strange happiness just makes me smile ...a lot ...Just being there with him...that's all what I want.

I want to keep looking at his face , the way he talks ...the way his face changes while he talks ...how he  moves ...how he sees ...how he smiles ...even how he gets angry ...and how he looks while being angry ...

Damn !!! I sure m being a total fangirl...does this happen with everyone ????

Every strong girl becomes a bit weird while being around the guy she loves ???

I m sure if I ask mom she will laugh...and if boruto knows he will sure make a lot of fun of me !!!

Me this way around a boy !! Unbelievable ,,even to me !!!

Suddenly I remember something about last night ...the things he said to me ..I guess I m being shameless ..after all he said I still can't stop myself from loving him.....

I feel bad ...I m being selfish towards him...if I could stop loving him..he hadn't had to put on an act of being bad ...acting in a way he hates the most ...

I know him...I don't know but I kind of understand him when he gets upset ...I don't know how.   But I just feel it...

But being a bit selfish doesn't matter ...I love him...I can't stop doing that ...stop doing that is like killing a good part of me ...

I can't do that. I love him....I want to keep the feeling ...I don't know why ...but just having this feeling is a lot for me ...

I hated the people , who keeps loving even after sacrificing their self respect cz they say they love someone ...

But weirdly I just found out myself being one of them...I m making a joke of myself for sure ...but still I don't intend on stopping...

And don't worry kaname ,I m strong . And loving you is not my drawback it's my power .

Cause being able to love you is sure not easy but I m no easy lover .

I sure will be a splendid person ....u keep watching .....


Wow !! I gotta say I actually never saw the great kaname uchiha in action...no wonder they say him a prodigy.....

The way he moves ...u gotta be kidding ...I couldn't even see his movements !!

He just vanished a in a moment and the next thing the enemies fell in different places ...

He is super speedy!!  And his genjutsu was on a whole other level. 

No wonder , he is one of the deadly feared uchihas ...

He stood there one moment without any expression and listen all ur silly things , he will let u finish ...and then....

He closes his eyes and the next thing u won't like ....

I felt frustrated ...catching up to him...

That will be real tough !

He is no ordinary ninja !! To being able to touch him...being able to stand with him , I will do it !

But who said I wanted easy ways . Who said u have to love me ...just stay here that will do.

Just looking at u , now and while , is enough for me ...I don't care if u ever love me or not ..I will be here. 

I know it's not easy to reach u...but I still want to try..even if I can't touch u , I will sure stand behind u ...

I will stand with you , by ur side , if u don't want to hold my hand its okay too!!

I don't care , I will walk ahead of u and make u proud ...

And I will save u !! 😊😊😊

I don't know but thinking about him gives me an inhuman determination ..

it makes me feel I can accomplish anything...

I felt a bit embarrassed ...thinking about that night..he didn't even entered the cottage thinking I might feel awkward staying alone with him in a cottage!!

He sure thinka a lot. But I guess that's something makes me respect him even more .

He knows how to respect people . He does things for u without telling u and without wanting the credit ..

He is sure far more mature than me ...

I becomes stupid around him..😑😑😑 really stupid .

He hired a whole cottage so I feel okay ...he didn't even entered till I actually became sick...and I m sure he wouldn't if I hadn't !!!

How he does it ? Just knowing what to do ??

To me , I always believed respect is far important that even love ..to me saying I love u , I love u ...doesn't matter !!

I saw many times the people who becomes so wobbly in love don't last long ...cz when u truly love someone ,, it's not  so easy to say them I love u...u feel awkward , u will become a bit embarrassed...a lot nervous too...

I wonder one ..had he ever truly loved someone ...

with such a handsome face and that reputation ...sure girls fall for him a lot ...I remember sarada saying...she gets real irritated coping with his fangirls .....

Sure girls drool over him...without my  realisation I became angry...funny , isn't it ?

Whatever !!! It's not my business...

But had he ever fell in love ?

Truly loving someone , does he know how it feels ?

I wish he would love me , if he could just considered me an important part of his life ....I could have shown him a world different than he has ...

the world he has is full of people powerful , cold people...kind of having  a vibe of aristocrat , sophisticated ....I wonder if they know what's truly important...

If they know ...it all means about sacrifices . How  insignificant , silly things can make u really happy ...

I wanted to show him a totally different world unlike his ...

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