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It was one of the 1st mission kaname had with himawari. Some simple missions he thought would be a preparation for himawari. Sorry everyone , I m going to change the writing style a bit . Hope u like it . Thanx for patiently reading all this ...😃😃😃

The hidden cloud was an awesome village ! Himawari was walking behind kaname , the whole trip had been normal . They came peacefully without any disturbance . Kaname was was quite . Himawari thought kaname would be friendly. It's strange when she watches him from this close . Kaname is a more quite as a person as usual... himawari was a bit sad ...at least she believed he would be a bit more open .  

Himawari POV

We suddenly stopped in front of a hotel , I looked up at him ...he is calm as usual and his expressions ...I still don't understand.

I was sad suddenly , will I be ever be able to realize this person ? Will I ever be able to stand with him , by his side ? Am I that much capable to be there for him ? I still don't know ...but only one thing I know now , doesn't matter what happened , doesn't matter what he becomes or who he is I will never leave him alone ...

He suddenly looked at me making me feeling uneasy . It's more like being embarrassed , he actually caught me looking at him straight.

We will stay the night here .

He entered d hotel leaving me behind . Is he actually a jerk ? I was sad a moment ago , now i m pissed off ! We r going to stay here . That's it ?? That's all ?? That's much he can say . Okay , I got it , he actually have real issues using words more than he needs ! I sighed !  Without thinking anymore I just  followed him .

Here . Cottage no 5 .



Where r u going ?


Wow !! Just wow !!! Anything about  what I believed least about him was , he is everything but not arrogant , but today , I take back my word ,, he is nothing but arrogant for sure. No wonder , huygas are actually feel timided around him. He is a jerk alright. 

He is such a gooood person. I have no idea how I ended up with a person like that ! And falling for him !!! I need to reconsider , seriously ! Although I  was telling all this to me , but I knew one thing , the part not caring about him or stop feeling for him , can't do !

I remember Mom once told something aunt Sakura said , but felt silly while hearing the part , but now I know it's true , when a girl truly , actually falls in love with a guy , it's not easy to change the feelings , actually it's impossible. 

But then again I m not sure about what true love is ...when do we consider it a true love , when actually we do realise we love someone . What do we do then ?

I unlocked the cottage .

Phew ! It's huge !! I was totally amazed it's so pretty.

Can't believe cottages are so good . I mean when I was opening the door I had least idea the interior will be so good and huge !

Well , he got taste , I know now ! I thought he is all about arrogant !

I mentally scolded myself . No ! Enough of bad-mouthing about him. I won't ruin my 1st ever outing trip , go bad for HIM , or more specific ....his arrogance !

I finally took a hot bath , cleansed myself . I took quite a long time .

It's actually feels nice but the cottage is silent  , I m sure he hasn't come yet . Then again his presence wouldn't matter , he has limited vocabulary option and he is on his duty of being a spy. So , u won't feel if he is around or not ! 😑😑

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