Chapter -7

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"Sasuke ?! " , Naruto asked a bit confused finding Sasuke at this hour in his home.

"We need to talk. " Sasuke planely replied .

"Let's go upstairs, oh!! And kaname is here, thanks for making him . "

"No problem. Let's go. "

Naruto is waiting for Sasuke to talk, Sasuke is more silent than usual. It's not like that Sasuke is not silent but today, it's quite different silence ...

"Why do u think that the enemy is after himawari only? Why won't their target will b Kaname too ? "

"What ?! Oh ..... ", Naruto arranged himself hurrily , thought for a moment yes...Sasuke is impatient today , quite unusual to him ...well, of course .
he is......since the matter concerns KANAME . To Sasuke , he is the most important thing of his Little world . He changed a lot since the war . He learnt to care for people and ... care for Sakura too , finally he learnt to love sakura and now he has a family ....with Sakura, sarada and Kaname. Sometimes naruto feels it's Kaname who made such a change in Sasuke . Because only Itachi was the person to whom Sasuke looked up to , listened to and admired . It's like Itachi left a part of him even after death ...for changing Sasuke.

"It's not like , I didn't think of Kaname, but there is something. Kaname is of course the most powerfulest hyuga, that ever born .....BUT ..... Kaname is also the most powerful uchiha and.....uzumaki at the same time. Three most powerfulest bloodlines combined within him which gave rise a unique and rare power . He is not like sora, neither like Itachi, though his ways of using powers resembles Itachi a lot... But he is not a pure blooded hyuga . Uzumaki and hyuga nature has a basic similarly but uchiha is different than these two ...and when the uchiha and uzumaki combined along with hyuga ,,, it's unlike anyone ever been, which made Kaname adapted to every chakra nature and every power .... He is 14 and even now he can almost go tow to tow with us and also , Kaname is someone who can't b ruled and controlled", naruto paused for a moment and taking a deep breath , started speaking again ,,
"Himawari is ofcouse powerful than her age , but like Hinata she is too kind and caring ... I know there is no saying what she will become when she will grow up , after all she inherited the powerfulest chakra level from uzumaki and the powers of hyuga very strongly. She will one day surpass my mother and even me, true to be say if I need to chose a vessel for kurma , I will choose himawari. The innocence and power that she hold and the stubbornness like my mother, she will b able to handle kurma , a lot better than me. "

"Yea, but what's the point of thinking himawari is the only target ? Sasuke asked impatiently.

"Himawari is a pure blood hyuga. She is the second powerful hybrid after Sora. But she is a child and not qualified to fight powerful shinobis of otsuki clan. So she is the easy catch....
For now. "

"And the world doesn't know Kaname is Hotaru hyuga's son , the most powerful heir of hyuga, the eldest child of Hizashi hyuga and Kou uzumaki ", Sasuke spoke smirking .

"Exactly. It's our only plus point . And with Kaname's power..he is no easy catch".

"You are thinking about Kaname ? "

"Of course I m , Baka. U know I do. He is a precious momento to me too . He is my cousin's son and Itachi's too. "

Sasuke smirked at naruto's statement. "Well, then I guess I don't need to think about him anymore. There are lot others who will take care of him . "

"Oi , where are u going? "

"Home , of course . "

"Hph.....both of u r impossible to handle ....Don't forget about tomorrow's meeting. It's very important for Kaname. "


Sasuke left and naruto stood still , his eyes looking out ....far away the blue realm of the sky ....

"Sora-nee , I will protect ur son . I promise. " Naruto clenced his fist smiling.

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