Chapter 5

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I want to thank every single one of you that reads this story, favorites it and adds it to their reading lists! I love you all, and I am so thankful, and it makes my day when I see notifications from Wattpad when I wake up in the mornings! Love you all, and enjoy the chapter!!!
March 17, 1843
"Congratulations, Lilly! You have gotten another girl! I have already informed Giuseppe, Damon and Georgiana of the happy news. What do you want to call her?" Eva Fell asked. "I want to call her Adriana. Adriana Giovanna Salvatore. Oh, Eva, I'm just so happy!"

February, 1864
Adriana walked outside, stopping on the white stone porch of the Salvatore Mansion. The crisp air filled her lungs, and she felt thankful that she had everything she wanted. A family, food and shelter, and the best brothers and sister she could hope for. Her dirty blonde hair reached the middle of her back, her ice blue eyes filled with emotions. Her smile was envied by every girl in Mystic Falls, even her beautiful big sister.

Georgiana was truly beautiful. Her black hair, voluminous, reached her waist, and her big, ice blue eyes were framed by long, black eyelashes. She was tall and slim, with the Italian skin color as a nice contrast to her white teeth. Adriana always envied her, even though they were best friends. Adriana had a paler skin tone than her older siblings, but she was more tan then her younger brother. She had the same hair color, but lacked his green eyes. Adriana was not as tall as her sister, and she didn't radiate the same confident, beautiful, mysterious, playful, sensual vibe that her sister had. Adriana was stunningly beautiful, but Georgiana was always one step above her. She was betrothed already, to Christian Fell, while Adriana was still waiting for her first suitor. It was not fair, to always be the least preferred woman in the established Salvatore family.

April 22, 1864
Adriana knew something had happened to Georgiana. She seemed different, like her personality was more prominent. Georgiana was always the sexy, playful, reckless one, and now she even ended her engagement! Christian Fell was the best bachelor in town, and her father was furious.

Suddenly, Adriana heard gunshots outside. She looked out, and saw her two brothers fall down on the ground - dead. Her father shot them! Her heart broke, shattered into a million pieces. The pain of losing them stung in her chest, and she couldn't help but let sobs start to escape from her mouth. "Georgie!" She sobbed. "Georgiana! Come!" Adriana's voice seemed terrified, frightened and was shaking with grief. Georgiana came running into her room, also with tears in her eyes. "I know, Adriana..." tears fell from her eyes too, but she seemed to compose herself.

"Adriana... You need to protect yourself... You know of the vampires, right? Well, Damon and Stefan were going to save Katherine. She is a vampire, and she turned me two-three days ago. Now, father is going to come after every single vampire and kill them, so we don't have much time. At least I have to flee, but I can turn you too... I know it is a lot to ask, but if you drink my blood now, you are guaranteed to make it out of this alive..." Georgiana looked into her eyes, and she was completely serious. Adriana nodded, "I'll do it. Someone needs to survive out of this family."

Georgiana bit her wrist, and held it up to Adriana's lips. Adriana drank it, wincing at its taste. When she finished, Georgiana told her that they needed to go up on the roof through the attic, and so they did. Quickly, they ran up the stairs, and onto the roof, before Georgiana held her in her arms, and jumped down to the ground, behind the mansion. Then, they ran, and when Adriana grew tired, Georgiana carried her until they were safe. They hid in a hunting cabin they owned, shut the curtains and locked the door. "I'll do it quick, Adriana," was the last thing she heard before everything went black.

When she woke up, it was day, and everything was bright. "Drink this," she heard, as a glass filled with blood was shoved into her hands. Without any hesitation, she drank it, enjoying the taste. Georgiana looked at her, before looking out. "Someone is coming, we need to run!" They stormed out of the cabin, Adriana in the lead, with someone chasing after them. She heard a scream, and turned her head. There, Georgie was captured by a woman with brown, dark hair, and taken away. Adriana couldn't risk being caught, so she continued to run. The pain of seeing her sister kidnapped was almost too much to bear, after losing her brothers the day before.

Where could she run? Where was her safe place? She could definitely not return to her house, but she could always go to the quarry... Yes, the quarry would be safe. After another few minutes of running, Adriana arrived to a sight she would never forget. The shock overwhelmed her, both joy and curiosity warming her heart. In her wildest dreams, this would never be possible.
Okay, so this changes things... I do hope you like it!! This will be a big part of the plot, so bare with me!

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