Chapter 11 - end of season 2

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I have been absent for a while - I am not abandoning the story. My big half-sister passed away, and I have had a hard time coping these last weeks. I am so sorry, but I hope you'll respect my absence. Thank you!

I am SO thankful for every single one of you that reads my story! And the ones who vote - you are my heroes💗 Where do you want Caroline+Georgia to go in the future? I certainly have some ideas!! 😏


"Georgiana?" Bonnie said. She called me, and I could her from her voice that she was excited. "I have found a cure, for Damon," she said, and my heart skipped a beat. I waited for her to say anything, and she did not disappoint. "Klaus's blood. That is the cure. He needs to drink it," she said. "Bonnie, this is the reason everyone loves you. You're amazing!" I said, before hanging up.

"Stefan, let us go. Klaus is the cure," I said as I pulled him out the door with me. We arrived at Klaus's place, and Katherine was there. She sat on the couch with a bored expression, but brightened up when we burst through the door. I smiled at her, and turned my attention to Klaus.

"Well, hello," he said, and reminded me of how disgusting he was. I didn't remember anything from the ritual, and from what I have heard, it was not anything to remember. "Klaus..." I said, being used to lead conversations. "Damon has a werewolf bite, as you know. Can you cure him?" I asked, and looked at him. We were reasonably nervous, but at least I stood with my head high.

Klaus laughed, and sat down on the chair. "It has a price," he said with an ugly smile on his face. "Name it," I said, and looked at Stefan. He didn't look as convinced as I was. Klaus got a thoughtful look on his face, and I sat down. He thought for a bit and looked at Katherine. Then, he looked at Stefan, before he looked thoroughly on me.

I waited patiently for him to finish his slow thinking, and finally he opened his mouth. "You two are coming with me. On a ripper tour, across the continent. Bloodshed all day, every day. No emotions, no contact with your friends or family here. As long as I want to," he finished, and found a glass bottle. He cut his hand, and poured the bottle full. He put the cork on, and looked at us.

"Deal!" I said immediately. My favorite brother was absolutely not going to die if I could enjoy myself while doing it. Then there was the matter of Caroline. Our relationship status was currently it's complicated as fuck because neither of us want to tell anyone, but I could deal with that later. Both Klaus and I looked over at Stefan, who sat there with furrowed brows.

He finally nodded, and Klaus immediately slid a blood bag over the table to him. "Katerina?" Klaus said, and walked over to her. "Does Georgiana here have any problems with human blood?" he asked, and I knew where this was going. "She is just like her twin, Klaus," she said truthfully, and I looked over at my brother. He was staring intensely at the blood, trying not to drink it.

"Stefan..." Klaus said, and smiled. "If not, your dear brother is going to die soon," he continued, and I watched with horror as he started to pour the blood down the sink. "Wait!" he shouted, and I knew he would drink it. Stefan opened the blood bag and took a small sip. Klaus nudged him, and he quickly finished the bag.

"Here, Katerina," Klaus said, and handed the bottle of his blood to her. I looked at Stefan, who now was starting to lose control of his feeding. Klaus was smiling wickedly, and I didn't know if I was happy because I finally could feed without boundaries, or if I was miserable because my brother was about to turn into a ripper with no control. 


Mystic Falls, 1864

"Katherine!" I shouted, and looked at her. We were feeding on a local farmer, and I had never experienced anything like it. When we were finished, we went down to the creek to clean ourselves up. We returned to the mansion, and discovered that dinner was in 10 minutes. We went up to our rooms to change to more formal attire.

When we came down, they had already started. "Georgiana, Katherine, how enjoyable that you are becoming close friends," father stated. I looked at him, sitting at the head of the table, and Damon who was sitting on his righty. Stefan was on his left, and I to Damon's right. Adriana sat across me, and Katherine at the end of the table. "Georgiana and I have several interests in common, sir," Katherine said, and I smiled at her.

"We have been invited to dinner at the Fell residence, sister," Adriana said to me. She was still young, 21 years old, and had kept some the youthful vibe I lacked. I grew up way too fast, but I tried to protect her from the same things I had experienced. "I suppose it is the annual bachelor dance," I said. I had attended my first when I was 17, but Adriana had started at age 19, which was quite late. "I strongly suggest you attend, my darlings," my father said, and then it was settled.


So, short filler, but next chapter is coming tomorrow! I don't know if you remember all the flashbacks, but they are all tied together. It will make sense soon! Until tomorrow❤️❤️

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