Chapter 9

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IMPORTANT: I will now publish outfits from my stories on Wattpad on Polyvore under the username moonlightandcoffee. Please check them out!!

Adriana's POV
Elena came by the house, an apologetic look on her face. "What?" I asked, expecting something horrible. "Eh... Ana... Eh... Damon kind of... He kind of..." she stuttered, before I cut her off. "Just tell me what he did, Elena!" Elena looked nervous, but continued. "He killed Elijah. I'm so sorry, Adriana, I really am. Georgia told me everything. I wish I could have done something, I really do. I'm so sorry Adriana," she said.

My heart broke. I felt pain. I started to cry. I felt like screaming. Pain. Pain. Anger. Memories started to flash by. Me coming home from work on my birthday to discover every surface in my house, including the floor, covered in pink roses. His proposal on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The moment I met him. Our first date in an Italian restaurant. His look of surprise when I gave him a dark blue tux on his birthday. Our vacation in Bora Bora. Turn it off.

I became angry, and I felt numb. I couldn't live without him, I couldn't possible wake up tomorrow without him. My vampire face came out, and I fed on Elena. She was screaming, and I let her go. She started to run, and I enjoyed the chase. I caught up with her quickly, and fed on her again, the taste euphoric.

Someone pulled me back harshly. Threw me down on the ground, sat on top of me. I looked at the person, realizing it was Damon. I tried to escape, and bit him on his arm. He pulled back, surprised over my actions, before Stefan came over. "What the hell, Ana?" I started to laugh. "I turned it off, Stef. Humans don't matter!" I continued to laugh, sounding like a maniac. Then, it became black.
Damon's POV
"How the fuck do we get her humanity back on?" Stefan was asking the question we were all thinking on. "Thanks for stating the obvious, little bro," I said, super annoyed by his ability to say what we all were thinking. "Who knew her the best? We haven't talked to her since 1910, and the man we discovered is her ex-fiancé I killed a few hours ago," I said. "Elena is getting slaughtered soon, our sister has her humanity off, and our other sister is crushing on a person we don't know the identity of yet. Anything we actually can fix, Stef?" I was tired of all this crap, and so was my brother.

Stefans phone rang, and he answered it. He quickly hung up, looking at me. "Elena found out that the dagger has to stay inside of him for him to stay dead. Apparently, the dagger can not be taken out," he said. What?! God, if that dagger gets out, we are so screwed. "Well, then, let's hope the sight of him makes Ana turn her emotions back on after a few years," I stated, and finished my bourbon.


June 7th, 2006
The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

The sun was about to set, and Elijah and I were walking over the bridge. We were almost on the mainland again, when he stopped. We had spent the day on a beach, and we were heading home. I was wearing a white lace romper with spaghetti straps, a pair of tan wedges, and my hair was wavy from the salt water. Elijah was, as usual, wearing a shirt, but it was light blue, he had rolled up the sleeves and loosened the upper buttons. He was wearing a pair of shorts, but those were black.

I turned around, asking why. He looked me in my eyes, and held my hands. "I love you, Ana. You are the best thing to happen to me in my thousand years on this earth. You have given me happiness and a normal, happy life. You are adventurous, and you have a wanderlust I admire. You have given me immense joy by just being yourself," he said, with admiration in his voice. My breath hitched. What was going on? The sun was setting, and I was bathing in orange light. It was a beautiful sunset, one of the prettiest I had ever seen. And my boyfriend being there makes it even prettier.

"Adriana, you are an amazing woman, and I feel so lucky to be the one you love as well. I never thought I would like a life similar to a human one, but you have taught me to have a human life while enjoying the perks of being a vampire. You astound me, every single day, hour, minute, second," he continued slowly. Oh, no, I thought. This is not happening. Is he proposing or something? Elijah went down on one knee, and got a box out of his pocket. Then, he opened it, to reveal the most perfect ring I had ever seen. It was a red garnet, emerald cut, in a rose gold setting with rubies in the band. The stone was huge, and the ring was very me. (See the link and imagine the center stone a bit bigger.)

The Salvatore Sister - Georgiana SalvatoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora