Chapter 13 - The Hybrid

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WE HIT 50 VOTES!! Thank you all so, so much!!


I was walking deep in the Smoky Mountains, sweaty, dirty and hungry. My black jeans were muddy, my black top was dirty and my hair tousled. Stefan was panting as he was carrying Ray's body up the hill, but Klaus didn't seem to mind.

"Ah, here we are. The pack..." Klaus says with a sparkle in his eyes. He is quite handsome, I have to admit. He turns around, and we close in on the pack. One by one, they stop moving, trying to understand who we are.

"My name is Klaus. Anyone here that know who I am?" he asks, looking around. Some of them gasp, some take a few steps back, and some look around, obviously confused. "That's right, the Hybrid," I say, trying to be the symbol of a big, bad vampire. I get a text, but Klaus and Stefan don't seem to notice. I excuse myself, walk away for a few minutes, and look at the text.

It is from Elena. What stupid thing is she doing now? She writes that she is coming to us. "Fuck!" I say loudly. This is not good. She probably brought Ric, and with Ric comes Damon. Fuck. Klaus can't know about this, he is going to kill them all. Probably Stefan and I as well, because we kept Elena's survival from him. This is not good.

I try to use my vampire hearing to find out if they are coming closer, but soon give up. I start to walk toward the path we came from, and soon enough, I hear voices. Stupid idiots, they aren't whispering. I sneak up on them, and discover that Caroline is with them. I end up tracking them for a few minutes. My heart aches, and all I want to do is shove her against a tree and never let her leave my embrace.

They were closing in on a hilltop, and I grab the opportunity. I use my vampire speed to get up on it, and stand there, knowing that they'll notice me any second. And as I thought, they noticed me. Elena was first, and stopped suddenly. She was staring at me with furrowed brows, and pushed Damon in the side with her elbow. He looked at her, and she met his piercing blue gaze. Then, she raised her hand and pointed at me. I was standing with my arms crossed, and when Elena and Damon met my eyes, I raised my hand, and faked an innocent-5-year-old-wave.

Then, Caroline and Alaric, who had been in a deep conversation, snapped their heads up, and noticed me. Her eyes softened and filled with tears, before she looked down on the ground again. I raced down, and stood before them. They were too shocked to say anything, before Damon finally got himself together. His eyes showed hesitation, before he finally pushed Elena behind himself. "Scared, now, brother?" I said confidently, walking a few steps and picking up a flower. It was dark red, Caroline's favorite.

"Look, I'm not here to come with you or bring Stefan to you, or let you kill Nik, because, let's face it - no one of us wants to go back with you angels," I continue, before smirking at Elena's look when I mentioned her troubled boyfriend.

"Georgia, why are you even doing this?" Elena asks, trying to see if I have turned off my humanity. "I need to get out of my bad conscience. Mystic Falls is too small and quiet for my vampire self," I answer, with a pointed look to Damon. "And I hear some of you have some tension between you, I was waiting for that," I continue.

They all look pretty stunned, not used to this side of me. "Georgiana, please just let us get to Stefan, that's all we want," Elena says, obviously not speaking for everyone in the group. I look at Caroline, who still doesn't look at me. I twirl the flower around in my fingers, sigh, and continue. "I give you an hour to get back. You have to go. If you do somethings foolish, I have to report you to Nik, and no one wants that," I say, careful to observe their reactions.

Elena shakes her head, but Damon seems more compliant. "Brother, at least you have enough sense to know that you shouldn't be here," I say, knowing how much he wants to return.

"Okay, Elena, you heard her. Let's go," he says, and pulls her with him. She protests, tries to get out of his iron grip, but soon gives up. She puts on her best miserable face, and begrudgingly starts to walk. Alaric turns around, but when Caroline stays behind, I know what is going to happen. "Alaric, go ahead. Care is right behind you," I say on her behalf.

She takes a step towards me, nervously picks at her nails and takes a deep breath. Every nerve in my body says that I have to go back with them, and apologize to Caroline, but I can't. I have to stay here to make sure my baby brother doesn't completely go insane. Slowly, she raises her head to look at me, and I can tell she has cried. She starts to open her mouth, but I interrupt her.

"Caroline... What we had was a fling. Nothing more than a crush, a teenage romance. I assume you slept with Tyler?" I say, trying to control my emotions. She needs to let me go, I am not returning for another half century. Caroline nods, very shameful. "Don't feel ashamed, Caroline. Don't. You need to move on, I know how much sexual frustration vamps have. If you want to be with Tyler, then do that. Do what you want to do," I finish, waiting for her response. She looks at me again, her wonderful, blue eyes staring at me, as if she is trying to read my thoughts.

She sighs, scratches her neck, as she always does when she is nervous, and starts to speak. "I can't let you go, you know that. I... I love you! I know everything went fast, just a few months, but you need to know that I care for you, deeply so. Even though it probably isn't normal to develop feelings for someone that quickly, I did, and I was so overcome with sadness when you left. I slept with Tyler to get my mind off things, but it just made things worse," she says.

"Care, understand this. When I left Mystic Falls, I left behind my life. This is the true me, a merciless killer that takes pleasure in hunting people, and slowly killing them. I don't have any feelings for you anymore, and I didn't even care that you slept with Tyler. I don't love you, and I am certainly going to fall in love again, and probably settle down somewhere. I have considered New York and New Orleans. Big cities, lots of food, bad police departments. Now, you need to catch up with the others before you turn into werewolf food," I say.

Quickly, with my vampire speed, I push the flower into her hair, and speed away from her, from my emotions. I didn't even look at her face, too afraid of what was shown there.

When I return to the pack, all I see is dead hybrids. Blood everywhere, a brooding Stefan, and a furious Klaus. "What the hell happened here, Nik?" I ask him, and he turns to look at me. "I should ask where you have been, miss!" He shouts, as he closes in on me. When he reaches me, I stare him straight in his eyes, refusing to back down. "It seems we had some stalkers. They were taken care of," I say, knowing that he will be pleased. He nods, and stalks off.

Stefan turns around to look at me, and starts to speak. "The hybrid project failed," he says, and I roll my eyes. "No shit," I say and walk over to Klaus. I stand beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "We need to go to Chicago," he says, and I groan. "More traveling? Really?" I say, dreading the next few days.


So.... A lot of Georgiana/Caroline fluff... Do you like it or nah? Please let me know how I'm doing, I would love to get some reviews! Is this story horrible, is it decent? Please let me know!

As always, I love votes and appreciate every single one of them! They make me so happy❤️

A special thanks to @tiffyh2014 who has voted for every single chapter! You go girl!! 💕💕 Lots of love!

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