Chapter 12 - season 3!

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Season 3, here we come! I promise I will write season 3 more detailed. In my opinion, half of the episodes in season 2 are fillers, so I chose to not write all these.

I hate to ask for votes, but they really make my day💗

I hope I haven't lost too many of you, I hope you understand that I have had a tough time these months. I love you all❤️


We were in Tennessee, and it was hot here. Stefan was practically sweating the Atlantic Ocean, but I found the heat relaxing. We waited behind a few trees while Klaus asked to go inside the house where a werewolf was supposedly hiding. He tried his best American accent, and I found it funny how hard he was trying.

"So can I come in then?" he asked, and the girl looked suspiciously at him. "No, I'll bring it out to you," she said, noticing the strange behavior. "I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting," he said in his usual accent. I watched his face grow dark, and the girl immediately noticed her mistake. "I'm from Florida," she said cockily, but Klaus replied fast. "That explains it," he said as he gripped her neck tightly. I watched in fascination as he compelled her, and she invited him inside.

Klaus went inside, and that was our clue. We walked up on the porch and covered the back door, and soon enough, a girl came running and burst it open. It was a shame, she was a beautiful girl. I smiled at her, a cruel grin, and she screamed. I enjoyed the chase, while Stefan was more reserved.

"I love it when they run," Klaus said, coming towards us, and I laughed. "True, Klaus, very true," I said, not letting the girl out of my sight. "He's in Tulley, near the border. It's a bar named Southern Comfort, it's off highway 41," she said, understanding that this was her end.

"Kill this one quickly, Stefan," he said, pointing at the blonde girl. "Make this one suffer, Georgiana, you know how," he said to me, pointing at the brunette. He smiled and ventured off. I turned my attention toward my meal, and leaned down to her neck. I bit her, and she screamed in the same second as her friend did. Soon, her friend fell in a heap on the floor, and I let the girl watch. Then, I slowly fed on her, enjoying it. I didn't notice her screams or Stefan leaving. After a while, I finished with her, and went to find the car.

I quickly found it, and jumped into the back seat. "You took your time, love," Klaus commented, and started to drive. "I don't like wasting a perfectly fine meal, Klaus," I said as I licked my lips.

When we arrived at the bar, Stefan and I waited in the shadows. Ray tried to walk away, but Stefan quickly appeared in front of him. "I wouldn't do that," he said, and pushed him back. I was still in the shadows, but when Ray stated he obvious and said that we can't compel him, I stepped out. "Look, Ray. We are going to play a drinking game," I said, watching Stefan order a scotch on the rocks. I pulled out a pouch, and continued. "I like to call it truth or wolfsbane," I said, and looked at Klaus. "Well this is going to be fun," he said, and at me.


Eventually, I grew tired of playing wolfsbane-dart, and went outside. I checked my phone, and saw that I had a missed call from Caroline. I felt an unsettling feeling in my gut, and called her back.

She answered, and I didn't say a word. "Georgia?" she said, her voice a mix of relief and worry. "Is it true that you have killed all these people?" she said, and I pushed back the feeling of regret. It had been an adventure after all. I heard her start to cry, and waited. "I'm so sorry, Georgia. I don't even know if we are together, but I cheated on you. I'm so sorry. If you are willing to forgive me, please come back," she said, and my heart started to break into a million pieces.

"Georgia, I love you. I will not stop looking for you, even if I slept with someone else. It was the biggest mistake I have ever done... I guess I just want you back... Everything is so dull around here. Elena celebrated her birthday, and something is going on between Damon and her. Just, remember I love you," she finished, and I hung up.

She cheated on me, and confessed that she loved me. I didn't know what to feel, so I went inside, grabbed a dart and threw it right in his heart. "Has he told us the spot they meet yet?" I asked them angrily. "I need a distraction, and a damn good one."

Very short one - I know, but I need some time to find my feet here at Wattpad again. Until next time❤️

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