Chapter 15 - Disturbing behaviour 1/2

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I'm back!! Please don't abandon the story, I just have a massive writers block.
The next couple of days were spent with Caroline, but I was thinking about my return to Klaus constantly. We talked a lot, and her mother almost kicked me out because I was making coffee during the entire night. The last night, we sat in the kitchen with coffee and pop tarts, when I had to tell her.

"Care, I have to leave," I said, and her face fell. "I have to go back, I made a promise. As much as I would love to stay with you, I just can't," I continued, and she looked down at the table while she bit her lip. «I'll be back for you. I need you, and I hope you need me, but I have to do this."

"Just leave, right now. I can't bear this again," she answered. Her eyes were horrible to look into, so I looked away. Before she started to cry, I left the house and headed for Chicago. As soon as the front door of Caroline's house shut, a single tear trickled down my cheek. I told myself that I didn't care. I couldn't.

I didn't reach Chicago until noon the next day. I was told to meet them at Gloria's bar, where I found a bored Stefan, annoyed Klaus and what had to be Rebekah. "What's happened?"

"They can't find Rebekah's necklace," Stefan whispered in my ear. "And when Klaus is pissed off, he needs to feed."

I don't complain, and soon I find myself on a couch in the warehouse with a random girl. They are discussing what happened in the 20's, but I am too busy wallowing in self-pity to join the conversation. I try not to let my thoughts drift to what I left behind in Mystic Falls, but it doesn't really work. The blood high numbs much of it, but not the strongest parts.

Stefan turns to leave, and I follow him. Ironic that it's not Damon and I here, the damned twins. When we arrive at the bar again, we find Gloria up and walking. "I thought you were resting," Stefan called out, and she shook her head. "Now we both have a secret." Stefan tensed. "What did you see?" he asked, and she tilted her head to the side. "It's what I heard that was interesting," she replied, and my interest was awakened. "The girl with the necklace was talking about you," she said, studying Stefan to see his reaction. He didn't meet her gaze, just poured himself a drink. This is the action I loved the Mikaelson's for living with.

"You didn't tell Klaus. Why?" I asked, knowing my loyalties had to lie with him, and not my brother. She sighed and told me she didn't want to help him with anything. "The necklace belonged to the Original Witch herself. I want it," she stated, and I nodded while I smirked. This was going to be more interesting than I thought. However difficult this was going to be, I had to make it. It would be so much easier to have fun while doing it.

"I can't help you," Stefan said, and I tried to hide an exasperated sigh. "Please, Stefan. We don't want to tell Klaus you're lying," I answered on Gloria's behalf. I didn't even notice Gloria popped aneurysms in Stefan's head before he was meaning of pain. He squeezed his eyes shut, clenched his fists and buckles over.

"Guess I gotta get it outta you the hard way, huh?"

I left before I was next.


When I returned, I didn't tell Klaus what Stefan was doing, but rather that I went for coffee. Rebekah was waiting for me, and I sat down next to her. "Do you love Stefan?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. She looked at me, her face turned grumpy and answered, "No." she was such a bad liar.

I laughed. "Your expression said it all, Rebekah. I've seen that many times," I smiled at her. "Enjoy it while it lasts," I continued. "Love's a bitch."


Hours later, after too much blood, from too many girls, in too many bars, I return to the warehouse. I quietly slip through the door, in case something is going on. I hear voices, and stop in my tracks. It's Rebekah and Stefan, talking. They're talking about Klaus, and Stefan seems... fake. I know Rebekah will notice it eventually. I need to fix that, or Stefan will get himself killed.

"He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother," said Rebekah. Well, who would know... Klaus told her about it.
"It's true," Stefan replied. I crept nearer to see their faces, and Stefan tilted his head to the side. He only did that when he was thinking.

"I think he secretly admires that about you; you'd sacrifice anything for family... Don't tell him I told you that," she ended with a whisper.
"Your secret is safe with me," he whispered back at her, before he turned around. He didn't get far before Rebekah turned him sharply around and kissed him. I almost gasped out of shock, and covered my mouth with my hands. This was a turn of events!
"Do you ever think you'll ever love anyone like how you loved that girl?" she asked, and I almost felt bad for her. Rebekah is emotional, and emotions don't do you any good. Stefan furrowed his brows. "One day, maybe."

Shit, shit, shit! Stefan was lying and Rebekah had to know. And she did. In that moment, Klaus appeared beside me, and I startled. He looked at me, and I knew what he thought. Klaus knew he didn't have Stefan. "I need to talk to you, Georgia," he whispered, as he turned around and walked out again. I followed him outside without a clue of what he wanted to talk about.

"I need you elsewhere," he started. I furrowed my brows. "Yes, I need you back in Mystic Falls. You're going on Elena watch. Damon seems to have en eye out for her, but I need you. She cannot turn into a vampire, do you understand?" he continued. My heart fluttered, I could go back to Caroline. My pupils dilated, and I bit my lip. Klaus chuckled, obviously understanding how I felt about it. "Don't tell anyone why you're home. You're just visiting your brother. I'll call you when you get there. Leave."
he finished. I didn't hesitate, and went to grab my stuff. Mystic Falls looked appealing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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