Chapter 6

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Back to the present, now!
As soon as Adriana heard of Georgiana's survival, she was filled with happiness. The sweet life in Santa Barbara had done her good. After 1864, she fled to New Orleans, and in 1910, she went to California, where she had stayed ever since. She lived a great life, with nice vampire friends and a job as a celebrity stylist. She had not once wished to return to Mystic Falls to meet her brothers again, but when she heard that her dear Georgie was alive, she packed her things and traveled to Virginia immediately.

She had gotten a letter in the mail a few days ago, and bought a dress immediately. She went to several shops with her friends, before deciding on a pretty, hot red one. She was happy with her choice, as it showed off her beach body and sun tanned skin. Damon, Stefan and her had parted on good terms last time, but she had missed her sister a lot. Adriana thought she had lost her forever. Anyway, she was ready to take on Mystic Falls!

When Georgiana got to know that her little sister was alive, she almost cried of joy. Her efforts to save her sister were rewarded, because she now would see her again. To celebrate the Salvatore sisters' return to Mystic Falls, the Salvatores decided to host a ball in their honor. The Salvatores still owned the Salvatore Mansion from the 1850s, but they didn't use it on a day-to-day basis. The house was updated with electricity, but still had the same style. They sent out invitations, and prepared the mansion for the big event a few hours later. Georgiana had bought her dress herself, a couple of days prior, and she was so excited to wear it. Her and her sisters reunion had been touching, and they were like two peas in a pod again. Laughing, discussing each other's love life and reminiscing about the past.

The Gilbert house
Elena hadn't met the sisters, and had never heard of them until Stefan came to her house a couple of days ago, after she bumped into the brunette. Was that Georgiana? She couldn't remember. She had gotten her dress today, and she was actually quite nervous. What would the sisters think of her, and how were they? Elena's thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. She was pleasantly surprised when Stefan was behind it, and she invited him in. "Hello, Elena," he said, and gave her a kiss. Elena smiled at him, and looked into his eyes. "Is there a place we can talk?" They sat down in the kitchen with a couple of coffees, and Elena was curious on what Stefan wanted to talk about.

"Well, as you know, you are going to meet my sisters today..." Elena nodded. "There are some things you may want to know... They both have quite strong personalities, and it is best that you come well prepared," Stefan said, a bit nervous. Elena smiled at him, holding his hand. "Take your time," she said lovingly.

"They both have strong opinions. Unless it is important to you, do not enter an argument with either of them. Avoid the subject of 1864 and the Salvatore family, unless they want to talk about it themselves. They are both sensitive about it, and I don't want any unpleasant conversations. Now, Georgiana can be dangerous when she is mad. She used to be a bit fearless and dress a bit more... Radical then what was normal in 1864. She is the most like Damon out of the pair. Adriana is kinder, but she can be nasty when she doesn't like you. I suppose you can see her as a mix between Caroline and Bonnie, while Georgiana is a mix between Damon and Caroline. They are both very loyal to each other," he smiled.

"I just wanted to stop by to say hello to you, first and foremost, but also give you a little heads up. "Oh, and Adriana is the most creative. If you get to know her, I'm sure you'll see that," Stefan chuckled. "I'm happy for you Stefan, I really am. And I do hope you can wait until tonight to see my dress. It is stunning!" Elena followed him to her door, before kissing him, and then letting him go.

Elena looked at the time. It was only three hours until she was supposed to be there! She hurried up the stairs and jumped in the shower. She quickly shampooed her hair with her citrus shampoo, shaved, and conditioned her hair. She jumped out of the shower, blow-dried her hair and did her makeup. Then, she curled her hair to perfection, and did the final touches. She put on her dress, which was stunning, and asked Jeremy to tie up her corset. Then she put on her heels, and she was ready to go.

The Forbes House
Caroline was pacing. Was she going to wear her black or dark gray pumps? She had no idea. She had everything under control, but lacked her shoes. "Mom! What shoes am I going to wear?" The sheriff came up the stairs and took a peak on her daughter. Caroline had her blonde hair in curls, with a smokey eye and a gorgeous, dark gray dress. "You look lovely, honey. Take the gray shoes," she said. "I have to go to the station now, but I love you!" With that, she took off down the stairs.

Caroline looked down at herself. She hoped people would like her outfit, especially a certain someone she had in mind.

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