Chapter 7

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Caroline's dress : in the color Grey
Bonnie's dress: in the color Sapphire
Elena's dress: in the color Black
Georgiana's dress: in the color black
Adriana's dress: in the color Red

These outfits are pictured on my Polyvore account @moonlightandcoffee

Georgiana was ready. Her hair was curled, her makeup dark and smoky. Her twin walked into the room. His hair was tamed and his tux on. He looked trés handsome, and he didn't think she looked bad either. "Sister, be careful. People will drool as soon as they enter!" Damon said playfully. The door was slammed open and a furious Adriana walked in. "Damon, please close my dress!" Damon laughed. "What?!" "Nothing, dear sister, nothing," he laughed, and looked at Georgiana. She was barely containing her laugh. Adriana looked stunning in her dress. Her hair was up in an updo, with a few curls escaping. Georgiana looked sexy, and Adriana looked sensual, the perfect pair.

"What, my dear brother, is so funny?" Stefan walked in. His tux was perfect, and he had a big smile on his face. "Is your girlfriend coming, Stef?" Adriana's dress was tied up, and the ball was about to start. Stefan didn't answer, but he smiled. They walked to the manor, which was only a few minutes away, and when they came, they saw that everything was perfect. The huge chandelier was in the center of the room, surrounded by the gorgeous staircase. The room was freshly cleaned, and the waiters, decorating team and planners were standing there waiting for them. There was lots of champagne, and vases the size of people were filled with white roses.

People started to arrive, and everyone were charmed by the Salvatore girls. People were chatting and drinking champagne, and seemed to have a good time, despite the formal and uncomfortable attire. Georgiana looked at her phone, and their brothers friends were of course fashionably late. Just as she looked up again, Elena walked in. She was truly beautiful in her dress, but before she looked properly at her, she turned around to look at her brothers' reactions. Stefan was standing there, with a big smile, and an admiring look in his eyes. Damon had his mouth slightly open, and his eyes were filled with something that seemed a mix between awe and admiration, but they hid a hint of sadness in the darkest corners.

Stefan walked over to Elena and offered her his arm, and which she accepted with a kiss. Georgiana turned around, only to see the most wonderful thing she had ever seen. Caroline walked in the double doors. Her hair was beautifully curled, her makeup dark and smoky, and her dress breathtaking. She held herself with a grace only she had seen in her late mother. Her breath quickened, and she lifted her chest. She was almost as pretty as Caroline was.

She walked slowly over to her, and cocked her head to her side. "It is a pleasure to see you again. How are you coping?" Caroline smiled at her, her eyes hiding something. "You talk very old-fashioned, you know," she laughed. "But it's going better, at least so far," she continued. Georgiana turned around and grabbed two glasses of champagne, in the same moment Elena came over. She handed one of them to Caroline and one to Elena. "To friendship," she said, and raised her own glass.

"So, Elena, I see you fancy my brother," Georgiana said. Elena blushed, and took a sip of the champagne. " Well, at least the younger one," Elena rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Elena! You know which one is better in bed..." Caroline laughed. "It is just a matter of time before Damon gets in her pants. Caroline laughed, and Elena seriously failed on keeping her calm. "But you are not married!" Georgiana the exclaimed, horrified. The others started to laugh, and couldn't stop. "Oh, Georgiana! That tradition ended decades ago!" Bonnie laughed hard too, she had come over while Elena was talking. Georgiana started to laugh a bit as well, she was obviously not quite up to date yet. Suddenly, something struck her mind. "Caroline, have you slept with Damon?" Caroline looked at her, and sighed. "Yes, he compelled me to do so. It was great, though," Caroline said, obviously not so happy with it. I rolled my eyes. First of all, I imagined my brother doing things like that, and second of all, I was so old-fashioned.

Stefan announced a dance, and people found their partners. He danced with me, and Damon danced with Adriana. Bonnie danced with Matt, and Elena with Tyler. Caroline was standing on the sideline, and refused all of the boys that offered her his arm. The dance started, and "Give Me Love" started to play. "So, Georgia. Have you found a type yet?" Stefan pulled me out of my thoughts, and I looked at him. "No, I have only been alive for a week!" I smiled  at him. "It's good to be back, Stef..." He smiled back at me. "You should find love, Georgia. I know you fancy a certain girl, you know. Damon doesn't see it, though," he said, and surprised me. "Stefan! I do not fancy girls, that is not correct!" I felt hurt that he said that, it wasn't allowed, after all. Something inside of me told me he was right, but I pushed it back. "It is allowed now. It is totally fine, no one judges you. It is very common, sis!" He laughed. I loosened up. What a transition this week has been. But was I relieved over this? I didn't know. I had grown up with arranged marriages, and I had been told that same sex relationships were abominable. If it was common, the world has changed for the better. The dance ended, and I went to grab a glass of champagne.
It was almost half past two in the morning, and everyone except our friends were leaving. Stefan, Damon and Adriana came over to me. "What a night, Ana!" I said, a smile gracing my face. She gave me a hug, and said she was going home soon. I looked at us. The Salvatore family had always fought, but after mother died, we couldn't have become closer.

"Ana, so you have a boyfriend?" I asked her. She was talking to someone over her device, what was it called? A phone? Yes, a phone. "I had one. He was drop dead gorgeous, a gentleman and he had the most wonderful accent," she smiled. "But he left me. Obviously, I was not on top of his priority list. That was almost 3 years ago," she continued, as her smile faded a bit. She checked the time, and looked at us. "Siblings, I am going home now. Goodnight!"

We watched her leave quickly, only saying goodbye to Elena, who was coming over to us. She kissed Stefan, before saying that she had to go with Bonnie. The three of us walked back to the Boarding house, and I went to bed quickly. I was tired. I had troubles sleeping. After what Stefan said to me, I realized that I fancied Caroline. My old self was terrified of the consequences  I would have gotten in 1864, but my new self was afraid what would happen next. She was certainly not interested in me, and I was not going to bother her with it until she showed some interest in me. I was helping her with being a vampire, and that was all.

Sorry for the late update, I have been so busy with school. I promise I will update more often now! If you liked it, please leave a comment or a vote, it makes my day!!

If you have any suggestions for what could happen or a pairing or anything you want to happen, leave a comment and I will see if it fits my storyline!

Take care!

The Salvatore Sister - Georgiana SalvatoreWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt