Chapter 25

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~ Niall's POV~

We watched Insidious for the rest of the night. I didn't really pay attention to the movie. I was just thinking about Tyler and Mikayla. I know it's her. It has to be...

~ Mikayla's POV ~

I wonder what's been going on with Niall. He's not even watching the movie, he's just thinking. He been acting weird lately ever since I told the story about me when I was 7. I need to talk to him.

"Niall." I whispered in his ear.

He snapped out of his thought and looked at me, "Yea?"

"Let's go talk outside."

"Um okay."

We both got up and went outside in the hallways, the boys and girls looked at us, but went back to the movie.

"Niall. What's going on?"


"No. Niall there is something.You've been acting weird lately since dinner"

"Okay. Fine. Umm I think I found another reason why Tyler raped you.."


"Yea. Umm when you were 7 and those two boys fighting over you...That was me and Tyler."

"Wait what."

"Yea, I couldn't really believe it either but then I remembered your eyes..."

"Oh..So. You think Tyler raped me because of that? Or because of high school."

"I'm not sure..maybe both? I barely remember about what happened when we were 7. I'm not sure if he remembered that or not."

"Okay, well let's just stay out of this and let the police handle this."

"The police won't find anything. They don't know what we know."

"We'll tell them when they question us about the scene."

"And are you going to be okay telling them what happened? Do you want me to?"

"They need to know and hear it from me." I said, looking down. I could fell my eyes start to water remembering the scene.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm here for you okay? Let's go to bed." Niall said pulling me into a hug. I nodded. We both went back inside and went to our room that we shared.

"We're going to sleep guys!" I yelled.

"Better not be doing anything else!" Louis said. I rolled my eyes and we rushed upstairs.

The whole night, Niall had his arm protectively around my waist while we were sleeping. I felt safer when Niall put his arm around me, but it doesn't mean that I am safer.

~ Next Morning ~ ~Niall's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my phone going off.. I looked down at Mikayla, she was still sleeping. I slowly got out of bed and get ready to make breakfast for her.

Once I got to the kitchen I started making pancakes. I just want to stay in all day and watch movies with Mikayla. I don't need any drama today. What happened to Mikayla was already enough drama for a lifetime. The thought of Tyler raping Mikayla has been on my mind all the time, but I have to push the thoughts away. I need to focus on Mikayla and her being happy.

"Niall" Mikayla groaned. I looked up to see Mikayla's bedhead.

"Mikayla." I groaned making fun of her voice.

"Stop Niall!" she moaned.

"Fine. What love?"

"I want to stay in bed all day."

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