Chapter 5

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~ Niall's POV ~ 

  I can't believe that I just bumped into Mikayla. I thought I would never see her again. I remember her what she looked like when she saw me. Her cheeks were a rosy pink and her eyes sparkled from the sunlight. Her hair shined from the light and delicately flowing on her back. Her face is flawless, there was no pimples what so ever and she doesn't wear make-up. Mikayla. Mikayla. Mikayla. That name kept repeating in my mind. You know what I'm gonna ask her out and make her love me. I'm going to find that girl and luckily she is single. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around. I saw Noah with the biggest smile on his face. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"I saw Miley Cyrus!!!"

"And what did you say to her?"

"Will you marry me?"

"And she said..."


"Then why the hell are you fangirling?"

"Because she signed my boob!!"

"Your boob?"

"yea see?" He lifted up his shirt and right above his nipple was,

Love you xx 

And Miley Cyrus' signature under it.

"That not your boob idiot, its your chest."

"I don't give a damn, so what happened between you and Mikayla"

"Well I heard Diana call my name and running towards me. So I picked her up and I started walking carrying her around. Then I bumped into someone and it was Mikayla and apparently Diana was Mikayla's little sister."

"Did you have a convesation at least?"

"Well kinda."

"Do you think she knows about you on X Factor?"

"I don't know mate but also I'm going to ask her out."

"What? You know she will say no!"

"Well it's better trying than never trying at all."

"Well it's getting dark let's start going home."

I nodded and we left.

~Mikayla's POV~

Once we got home I played Sorry with Diana. I kept thinking about Niall. I never noticed about his crystal blue eyes and that he was a natural brunette. I saw the roots and they were brown. Ugh, why am I thinking about him anyways. Now I kinda feel bad for hurting the boy. Wait what? I hope I don't have to see him again. I don't want to think about him again and get any feeling for him. Especially when Tyler just asked me out last night and I agreed.

~Noah's POV~

Niall dropped me off at my house and I instantly ran home, took a picture of my chest/nipple/boob and went on Facebook to post it online. I looked at my notifications and I clicked on it and Mikayla popped up. She accepted my friend request. Yes!!! I clicked on her. I looked around her profile picture then I looked at her status...In a relationship. 

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