Chapter 17

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~Mikayla’s POV~
I reached my dorm and opened the door. I saw Taylor passed out on the couch. I quietly walked up to her and shook her a little bit.
“Taylor. Wake up. Taylor.” I softly whispered. She blinked rapidly and rubbed her eyes.
“Oh hey, you’re back. How was the date?”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow you look tired.”
“Yea, I kinda am. I was umm doing some uhh stuff.”
“Hehe yea, ok go to bed. You’re gonna wake up with a stiff neck.” Taylor slowly got out off the couch.
“Night, Mikayla. Also remember that we have to go to our classes tomorrow. Our break ended today.”

“Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks Tay and night.” Shit. I totally forgot that we have to go to class tomorrow. Ugh, I hate school. I was hoping I could spend some more time with Niall, but I guess I can’t anymore.

I climbed into bed and fell asleep, getting ready for what was coming at me tomorrow.

~The next morning~

My alarm went off and I tried to turn it off. I slammed the thing and it fell... but the beeping stopped so that was great news. I crawled out of bed and got ready to go to class. I wore a black pencil skirt and white top. I waited for Taylor to get dressed so we can go to class together since we are studying the same classes. The first class we had was history. I’ve always hated history. I could never remember the dates. Taylor finally came out in jeans and a shirt.

“Whoa, why are you dressed so fancy?”

“I’m gonna go out with Niall probably during lunch.”

“Oh ok. Come on, I don’t wanna be late.” I nodded and we both walked to class.

“So, tell me about the date.” Taylor said.

“Well we talked a little in the car and he brought me somewhere close to the beach. There was a small dinner table with a rose in the middle of the table. The view was beautiful, it was the sunset. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. We talked the whole time and he was also eating the whole time. He almost ordered the whole menu! When we got back to the dorm, we were just outside of it and we kissed.” I smiled remembering that moment when we kissed.

“You guys are gonna make the most beautiful babies.” I laughed a little.

We both walked into the class and we almost screamed when we saw how hot the teacher was. He was like in his very early 20’s. He looked like a model. We stopped staring at him and quickly took our seats in the back.

“He’s so hot Tay.” I whispered in her ear.  She nodded.

“Man, I should’ve worn a skirt like you today.”

Then I remembered that I have a boyfriend. I have to stop falling for the professor. It was 8 and class finally started.

“Hello class. Let’s introduce ourselves shall we.” Oh my gawd, he had an accent too. It was like heaven.

“Oh my god Kay, he has a motherfucking accent.”

I just stared at him in awe. He was so sexy.

“Well, my full name is Tom Daley. I am a diver. I decided to take a break from diving. Also, just to make things clear, I’m the professor’s assistant not the professor. The professor is out today, he fell sick. So I will be filling in for him. Moving on, I am 18 and single. You can call me Tom. Any questions?”

Taylor raised her hand and I glared at her.  Tom pointed at her and she stood up. I started smiling a little bit because I knew she was going to embarrass herself.

“Why are you so sexy?” Taylor said with the straightest face ever. The class including Tom giggled a little bit. I think I even saw Tom blush and smile at the ground.

“Umm, that question is irrelevant. Do you have any other questions?” He said with a big smile. Oh god his smile is looking at heaven.

Taylor nodded. Oh god.

“Will you marry me so we can fuck the shit out of each other and make babies that are sexy like you?” The whole class laughed including Tom.

“You can sit down now.”

“But you didn’t answer my question.”

“Just sit down, please.” She nodded and sat down.

“Yep, I’m winning his heart.” She whispered in my ear. I giggled.

The whole time during class, Taylor kept staring at him. I tried my hardest not to stare at him because I already have a boyfriend and I don’t want to fall for Tom. It was the end of class and we didn’t do much. We just talked about basic stuff.

Taylor and I started walking out of class and I saw Niall waiting outside of his car. I ran up to him and hugged him. Surprisingly there were no fans surrounding Niall. We both pulled from each other and Niall kissed the top of my forehead.

"Ready for lunch? The boys are gonna be there, Taylor could come with us." Niall said.

I looked behind me and saw Taylor coming towards us.

"Hey Taylor!" I yelled.


"Wanna go to lunch with One Direction?!"

"Why the hell are you asking me that? Of course I will!!" She started running towards us with the biggest smile on her face. When she reached me and Niall she hugged Niall for a minute, not letting go.

"Um, Tay." I said backing away.

"Oh sorry." She pulled away from Niall still smiling.

"Uh, ok well lets go shall we." We nodded and climbed into the car. Niall was in the front with the driver and me and Taylor were in the back.

"I could feel his six pack and muscles. You are so lucky." Taylor whispered in my ear. I giggled a little bit and Niall looked at me through the front view mirror.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked confusingly.

"OH nothing." I said.

I knew Niall knew that I was lying but he ignored it. We finally reached the restaurant and we saw the boys. Taylor screamed and ran up to them to hug them all. This is gonna be interesting.

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