List of Weapons

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This is my first sneak peak preview that I have another 'Designing Your Character and Other Hand Things' book in the making already. That book will have more chapters about weapons. So that is pretty exciting. For now here is a simple Chapter on a list of weaponry since I have a bigger one in development.

This current list is mainly Medievil Weapons.

Bladed Hand Weapons


-Arming Swords

- Broad Swords

- Falchoins

- Long Swords

- Great Swords

Daggers & Knives

- Anelaces

- Stilettos

- Poingnards

- Rondels

Blunt Hand Weapons

- Clubs and Maces

- Morningstars

- Holy Water Sprinklers

- Flails

- War Hammers

- Horsemen's Picks


- Quarterstaves

- Spears

- WInged Spears


- Pikes

- Corseques

- Fauchards

- Glaives



- Danish Axes


- Bardiches

- Pollaxes

- Mauls

- Becs de Corbin

Ranged Weapons 

- Franciscas

- Javelins

-Bows, Longbows

- Crossbows


- Guns

Hand Cannons


Artillery Pierries- Stone Throwers

- Traction Rebuchets

- Counterweight Trebuchets

- Onagers and Mangonels

- Ballistas and Springalds

Artillery Cannons:

- Bombards

- Petards

Other Siege Weapons

- Seige Towers (Belfries, Belfrois)

- Battering Rams

- Cats and Weasels

- Chemical, Biological and Psychological Weapon

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