Synonyms for "Walk"

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Amble - walk leisurely (other words : mosey)

Bounce – walk energetically

Careen - pitching dangerously to one side

Clump – walk heavily/clumsily

Falter - move hesitatingly, as if about to give way (other words : limp)

Flounder - walk with great difficulty

Footslog – walk through mud

Goose – step - a military marching step in which the legs are not bent at the knee

Hike – take a long walk (other words : tramp)

Hobble – walk unsteadily/with difficulty

Limp - walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury (other words : gimp)

Lumber - move heavily or clumsily(other words : pound, stump, tramp, tromp)

Lurch - walk as if unable to control one's movements

March – walk rhythmically

Meander - to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course

Nip – walk briskly or lightly (other words : trot)

Pace – a step that you take when you walk or run

Parade - march in a procession/ walk ostentatiously, as if to show off(other words : promenade, sashay)

Perambulate – an easy walk as in travel on foot, or walk to inspect or measure a boundary

Power walk – walk briskly for fitness

Prance – walk joyfully as if dancing/skipping

Prowl - move about in or as if in a predatory manner

Ramble - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment(other words : roam, wander)

Rolling – someone who has a rolling walk, moves their body from side to side as they walk

Saunter - walk leisurely and with no apparent aim

Scuff- to walk without lifting one's foot (other words : shamble, shuffle)

Shuffle – a slow noisy way of walking

Skulk - move stealthily

Somnambulate - walk in one's sleep

Springy – walk with a springy step/walk quickly and with a lot of energy

Stagger - walk with great difficulty(other words : totter, toddle)

Stalk - walk stiffly

Step – the particular way that someone walks, that sometimes shows how they are feeling

Stomp : walk heavily as if in anger

Stride - walk with long steps

Stroll - walk leisurely and with no apparent aim (other words : perambulate)

Strut - to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

Stumble - miss a step and fall or nearly fall (other words : trip)

Sure–footed – good at walking or climbing and unlikely to fall

Swagger - to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

Tip-toe - walk carefully on the toes or on the balls of the foot, as if in stealth

Totter - move without being stable, as if threatening to fall

Toddle – more like sauntering and staggering; especially referring to the unsteady walk of a very young child

Traipse - walk lightly and/or aimlessly

Trample: walk so as to crush something underfoot

Traverse: walk across or over a distance

Tread: walk slowly and steadilyTrip: walk lightly/ fall over like stumbling

Troop: walk in unison, or collectively

Trudge - walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud (other words : plod)

Waddle - walk unsteadily/ clumsily or as if burdened, swinging the body

Wade - walk (through relatively shallow water)

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