Examples Describing Facial Features

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Look Over these. They May help you be able to describe your charactesr in more detail.
Stuff you have never thought of before when describing your character!

a thin face 
- a chubby face (slightly fat in a way that people usually find attractive) 
- a square face 
- an oval face 
- a round face 
- a triangular face 
- a heart-shaped face 
- an angular face: thin and without much flesh so that the bones are noticeable 
- a soft, creamy complexion. 
- Freckled: sprinkled or covered with light brown spots 
- Rosy: pink-cheeked; fair complexion that glows with a hint of pink 
- Ruddy: skin that has a healthy reddish tint; may have the appearance of sunburn 
- Tanned: skin with a healthy golden-brown tint 
- Wrinkled: full of or covered with lines or loose folds of skin; often associated with age 
- Other skin-related adjectives: pale, spotless, silky, smooth, creamy, baby-soft, glowing, paper-thin or translucent (as with a very old person); rough, callused, dry 
 a blotchy and swollen face 
- a cherubic face (= looking round and innocent, like a small child's) 
- a face with a lot of character 
- a classically beautiful face (Her face is classically beautiful.) 
- an expressionless face 
- a gaunt face (vey thin, usually because of illness) 
- a grim face 
- a handsome face 
- a happy/smiling face 
- a hateful face 
- a haughty face 
- a hideous face 
- an honest face 
- an impassive face 
- a jolly face 
- a kind face 
- a deeply lined face 
- a heavily made-up face (wearing make-up) 
- a menacing face 
- a pasty face (pale and not looking healthy) 
- a plump face 
- a prettyface 
- a thin face and sharp features (= a pointed nose and chin) 
- a sour face 
- a spotty face 
- a stern face 
- a face with strong features (= large and noticeable) 
- a suntanned face 
- a taut and pale face 
- an ugly face 
- a beautiful face 
- an unshaven face 
- a grey, wan face (= looking pale and weak) 
- a waxen face (= pale and looking ill) 
- a woeful face (= very sad)

He has a roman nose.
He has a crooked nose.
He has a ski-slope nose.
He has a flat nose.
He has a pointy nose.
He has a great smile.
He has a face only a mother could love.
He's got dimples.
One of his eyes is bigger than the other.
He has a lot of pockmarks.
She has freckles all over her face.
Her ears stick out like car doors.
She has teeth like a horse.
He has a big mole on his chin.
She has wrinkles around her eyes.
He has sunken eyes.
He has eyes that pop out of his head like a frog.
He's got hair growing out of his ears.
She has buck-teeth.
She has a moon-face.
He has a big, round head like a basketball.
He's got hair coming out of his nostrils.
He has huge nostrils.
He has beady little eyes.

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