Chapter Two.

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My whole world stopped, I couldn't believe my family was dead. After I told Danielle what had happened she pulled me into a hug and without saying a word we headed towards our car. She drove the whole way home while I blankly stared out the window, how could this happen to me? What am I going to do now? I couldn't help but cry, my whole heart is torn into pieces.

When we got home I helped her carry the bags full of food into the house. I placed the bags on the kitchen table and cried even more. This food was supposed to be for my family, my family that wasn't going to come over anymore.

I fell on my knees and yelled out, "What did I do to deserve this?!"

Danielle slowly walked towards me, "Come here, Vic. Let me help you."

She held out her hand and helped me up, kissing my cheek. She took my hand as we headed upstairs into our bedroom, "Lay down, you need to rest."

I shook my head, "I have to go find them, I need to know what exactly happened, I need to know what went wrong on that damn plane!"

She crawled on the bed and sat down on my lap with my legs in between her knees, facing me. She grabbed my arms and put them around her waist, then locked her arms around my neck. She kissed me once, twice, and once more. What is she doing?

"Vic, baby, I can help you forget for a moment if you let me," she said seductively.

She nibbled on my ear and kissed me down to my neck. She licked it before sucking on it, definitely leaving a hickey.

I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled her off me, "Now is not the time, Danielle! My parents died in a plane accident and the first thing you think about is sex?! What is wrong with you?! You can stay here and play with yourself, I'm going to find... whatever is left of my parents."

I was getting ready to walk out the bedroom when she grabbed my arm and spun me around, "Listen, you prick! I was just trying to help you calm down and this is how you treat me? Fine! I was going to go with you after you had calmed down a bit but I guess that's not happening."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You try to calm me down and your first idea is sex? What the hell is wrong with you? I don't know why I laid my eyes on you in the first place since it's clear that you never cared about my family."

With that, I left her there standing in shock while I grabbed my car keys that were on the kitchen table and walked towards my car. The news said were to go if there were any family members involved in the accident and that's exactly where I was headed. Once I got to there, I saw families crying inconsolably and police officers speaking with the them.

"Hey, young man, is there anything I can help you with?" a ginger haired policeman asked me, his name tag read Mullins.

"I... I came to identify my family," he gave me a sad look and sighed.

"Follow me," was all he said.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
It's currently 2:30am. I suffer from insomnia so what better way to spend my time than writing fanfics? I'll try to update daily. I'm writing another fanfic called, "The Painter," it's a Kellic so comment what you think! Thanks :)

You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave (Kellic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz