Chapter Eighteen.

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*Vic's POV*
To my surprise, he started laughing, "There's no need to worry, how is even planning to get rid of me?"

"He said he contacted someone from another town to come here, I think she goes by the name of... Ash."

His eyes widened, "I've heard of her and her crazy rituals when I was, you know, alive but I never really believed them."

"Well I'm not letting you find out, let's go before Jaime gets here."

"Go where? You'll freeze to death outside and possibly get sick."

"Anything's better than being without you," I said, barely audible.

"Take an extra coat or blanket, I don't know, anything as long as you don't get hypothermia," he shuddered at the thought.

After putting on an extra coat and bringing some blankets, we headed back out into the cold snow once again.

He suddenly stopped, "C'mon Kells, we have to leave before they arrive," then I realized his eyes weren't fixated on me, but something behind me.

I looked back and saw a woman with half black and half red hair, pale skin, and dark, goth-like clothes and Jaime standing alongside her.

"My, my. What do we have here?" She asked rhetorically.

A freaked out Jaime asked, "What is it? Do you see something?"

"Oh yes, I certainly do. In fact, he's standing right next to your dear friend," she pointed to where Kellin was.

"What are you talking about? There's no one there," he said stupidly.

"Oh, of course you can't see him, he's only visible to me, Jaime," she said in a sweet voice.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Jaime here, claims that you have a violent being in your home and he was attacked by it. Have you been attacked by said being?"

"No, not at all. I've been living here peacefully till Jaime decided to come along," Jaime winced at my harsh comment but I didn't care.

"Very well, I'm sorry to have bothered you," she looked at Jaime, "You know, you really should ask people if they've been bothered by such entity before taking action."

"But-But," Jaime was dumbfounded, I smirked as Ash dragged him to the car made him go inside.

"I apologize for our imprudence, have a lovely day," she waved as she drove away with a speechless Jaime.

I looked back at Kellin, "Well that was weird... At least you're safe now, no one will ever bother you again," I said with a smile.

"Somethings not right, she wouldn't just walk away, would she?" His eyes were filled with worry and suspicion.

"Who knows? Even if she comes back, I'm not letting her get anywhere near you." I didn't know how I was going to do that but I had to find a way.

"Thanks, Vic," he sighed, "She has good control of her vibe and aura, I couldn't tell what she was feeling or what her intentions were."

"It doesn't matter, she's gone now. Let's go somewhere peaceful. How about... the cemetery? I do need to visit my parents after all."

He nodded and we began our fifteen minute walk on the fresh snow.

*Ash's POV*
"Why'd you just leave if you said you saw something?! My friend is in danger!"

I rolled my eyes, "Clearly he doesn't seem to be phased by the ghost. It seems like they're living quite well together."

"I can't just leave him there, look at what that thing did to me!" He pulled up his shirt that revealed dark bruises.

"The reason I didn't take action is because your friend seems to be in some kind of trance that neither of them know of-"

"Them? Who's them?" He cut me off.

"Just Vic and the entity. I couldn't take immediate action due to the fact that they are starting to show affection towards one another, creating some sort of barrier that won't allow me to get rid of it as easily as I hoped so. I'll have to bring in my inamorato, it's the only way I can-"

"So this whole time my competition was a fucking ghost?" He asked in disbelief.

"Ugh, this is hopeless. There's no point in trying to explain to you, just let me handle everything."

After sitting a few lovely minutes in silence, the human porcupine decided to speak, "What does the ghost look like?"

"He has silky, jet black hair, porcelain-like skin, several tattoos, and must I say, these mesmerizing blue-green eyes." 

I expected him to say something but instead, he reached for his wallet and took out a picture, "Is this him?"

I took a quick look since I had to keep my eyes on the road, "Yes, that's the one."

After another few minutes of sitting in silence, he spoke again, "Your, uh, rituals... they don't... harm the ghosts, right?"

After being in the ghost hunting profession, I've learned that they do in fact, possess emotions and they can also feel the pain I put them in with my rituals. But, someone had to feed my dark lord so the job had to be done.

"Oh, not at all. They are ghosts after all."

"Oh... okay..." He slumped deeper into the seat as I kept driving to the hotel I was staying in.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
So... There's a huge snowstorm coming my way in a few hours, that should be interesting. Anyway, please comment (I love reading comments), or do whatever your heart desires. Thanks, guys :)

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