Final Chapter.

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*Kellin's POV*
I watched in despair as the paramedics tried to save him but I knew it was hopeless, he lost so much blood. What surprised me was seeing his soul come out of his body, he sitting down in the same place where his body was but he looked confused.

I quickly ran to him, "Vic!" I tackled him into a hug, I could finally feel every inch of his body.

It sounded messed up but in a way, I was glad he was murdered. If he would've died of natural causes I would've never had he chance to see him again, he would've left this earth without me.

It took him a moment to react but he finally hugged me back, "What the- what happened? Holy shít, I can feel you," he ran his fingers through my hair and cupped my cheeks.

My tears were now tears of joy as he kissed me, melting his lips with mine.

"How is this possible, what-?" He looked to the side and saw the paramedics, he stood up and took a step back, looking at his dead body, "Oh my god..."

"I'm sorry, Vic, I did everything I could," I held his hand.

"Does this mean I won't be able to meet up with my parents?" He asked sadly.

"I guess so," I responded.

We saw Jaime sobbing, pounding his fists onto the ground, "I will find you, Ash! Even if it's the last thing I do!" He yelled.

The police went up to him and started interrogating him, I pulled Vic away from the scene and we walked onto the road and headed to his house. Ash was long gone, she would never be found. Hiding was her specialty.

It was a quiet walk as I intertwined my fingers with his, "How are you feeling?"

"This is all so... strange. Is this really happening?" I nodded, he was still in shock.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to die like this, you don't deserve to be roaming this earth for the rest of your eternity like me," I mumbled.

He kissed the back of my hand, "We'll be roaming it together, you won't be lonely anymore."

I smiled as we reached his home, he was going to lift up the mat to take out his key but to his surprise his hand went right through the ground.

His reaction was priceless, "Holy shít! Did that really just happen?!" He kept trying to lift up the mat but his hand just went right through.

"It'll take some getting used to but yeah, that just happened," I giggled.

"So you're telling me that we can just simply walk through walls?"

"Yup, pretty cool huh?"

He pulled me as we walked through the door, astonishment filling every inch of his face, "If you can't lift things up, what do you even do?"

"I like to go to the music shop since I can't physically play music on a laptop or anything. It's a nice pass time," I shrugged.

"Can we go there? I'd like to see what they have," he seemed oddly excited about this afterlife but as long as he was happy, I was happy.

We floated all the way over to the music store and arrived in no time, it was one of the perks of being a ghost. We walked right through the wall, it still amazed him that we could do that.

The song Private Eyes was playing when we came in, "My bestfriend Curtis and I loved this song, we even dressed up as Hall & Oates and made a video," he chuckled but then it turned into a sigh, "I won't be able to talk to him again..."

"I know how you feel, it sucks. If he comes here you'll be able to see him but he won't be able to see us," I hugged him, "We have each other now and I'm happy that you're here with me."

It sounded wrong but it felt right, I finally had a companion for the rest of eternity. I expected him to push me away after what I said but he didn't, he simply hugged me tighter.

"I don't know how you survived so long without anyone but now you have me," he kissed my forehead, "Let's head over to Alan's, I would like to see him."

We headed over to his home and it appears were arrived at the wrong time because Alan was on the phone with someone.

Austin was sitting beside him, patiently waiting, "This is a cruel joke, Jaime," Alan's voice trembled.

Oh, so it was Jaime that called. I looked at Vic who was quietly looking at Alan, waiting to see his reaction.

"What's wrong?" Austin asked but Alan didn't respond, the phone slipped out of his trembling hands as quiet tears started flowing down his face. Austin quickly grabbed the phone, "What the hell did you tell him, Jaime?!"


"No fuckíng way, you're lying. Vic can't be dead, he can't be!" He ran his fingers through his hair and started pacing back and forth, "Who did this?!" He shouted.

Another pause.

"That crazy psycho bítch?! I'm going to help you find her, she can't be far," he seethed and hung up.

Vic sat next to Alan, rubbing his back and to our surprise he flinched, "What the fūck was that?"

Austin turned around, "What was what?"

"I swear I felt something touch me," he said in between sobs.

"You're imagining it, love. This is affecting you a lot and it's affecting me too," he hugged Alan as his tears soaked his shirt, "We're going to call everyone in town to find her, we won't let another death go unsolved."

"I'm going too," Alan said.

"No, you're staying here-"

"Why do I always have to stay home?! You said the same damn thing when Kellin died! I want to help, for once!" Alan shouted.

Vic stood up and placed his hand on Alan's shoulder, "Calm down, Ginger Kitty."

"Vic, what are you doing?!" I whisper yelled.

Alan stiffened, "Austin, I think I'm going insane. Please don't leave me, I'm starting to hear Vic," he pleaded.

Vic was confused as I was, how could he do that? We watched them head out with flashlights and saw that there were other people in the community with flashlights too. Austin and Alan followed a cop with a police dog who was tracing down Ash's scent.

We hesitantly followed, "How come Alan could hear and feel me?"

"I don't know, I'm just as confused as you are..."

After about two hours of walking in the woods, the dogs started barking. The cops let them loose and quickly chased after them, Alan and Austin following close behind. We followed until we saw Ash on the ground with a swollen ankle, she must've tripped while running away and ended up hurting herself.

"We found the murderer," the cop spoke in the walkie talkie.

I turn towards Vic, "I can't believe it, they actually found her," I held his hands.

Next thing I knew, the hands I was holding were now translucent, "What's going on?!"

I tried grabbing onto him but my arms went right through him, "Vic!"

"Kellin!" He tried touching my face but his hands just went right though, he kept on fading, "Kellin, what is going on?!"

"My theory was right... Your murderer was caught... Your soul is free," I ran my fingers through my hair, "No, no, no! I just got you, you can't be taken away from me so soon!"

"Kellin, I love you..." His voice was fading.

"No! Vic! You can't leave me!" I tried to hug him but I ended up hugging the air and fell onto the ground, I looked up and he was no longer there.

He was gone and I was left alone for the rest of my eternity.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I'm a cold hearted writer, aren't I? :) This story has finally come to an end, maybe I'll write an epilogue if this gets enough comments. It's been fun but don't worry, more stories will be coming along the way <3

You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave (Kellic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang