Chapter Twenty One (Pilots)

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Ignore that pun, it was horrible.

*Kellin's POV*
I yelled in horror as I saw Vic fall onto the ground, clutching his chest. My rage was enough to get me out of the pentagram as I pushed Ash off of him. With my rage I could've easily killed her then and there, but I decided to use it to wake up Jaime. I tugged on him, basically slapping him till he regained consciousness. Chris was no longer was next to him, he disappeared into thin air as Ash scurried away.

He opened his eyes, "Kellin? What the-"

I felt the energy draining away from me, "Save Vic!" I managed to yell out before he couldn't see or hear me anymore.

I quickly kneeled beside Vic who weakly turned his head to look at me, "Don't speak, you have to stay alive," I pleaded.

"Kellin..." He whispered.

"Vic, Vic please, just hold on! The ambulance is on the way!" Jaime yelled as he held onto Vic.

He started coughing up blood and I couldn't help but cry, "Vic, you can't die this way, you have so much left to live! Fūck, this is all my fault!"

"It's... not," he coughed up more blood, "Your fault..."

Jaime of course didn't know who he was talking to, "Not my fault? Are you talking to me or Kellin? Never mind, don't speak. Conserve your energy," he looked into my general direction, "Kellin if you're out there, please help him stay alive."

I knew it was hopeless, he coughed up more blood and his heat rate was slowing down and so was his breathing, "I never thought that I was capable of loving someone until you came around, you know that? I love you so much, Vic. It hurts to see you like this, I feel so useless," I sobbed.

Vic smiled and weakly said, "I love you, Kellin..."

I managed to give him a small smile in between my sobs, "Hang on, the ambulances are coming, you can do this! Don't give up on me now!"

We heard the ambulance nearby as Jaime gently laid him on the ground and ran out towards the road to let them know where he was.

I was left alone with Vic, tears streaming down my face as I felt my heart ache.

His breathing was much slower and his eyes were nearly closed, "It's almost over now," I said quietly as I tried to brush his hair.

"He's over here!" We heard Jaime yell.

The paramedics rushed to Vic, laying him down on the stretcher, "Beau, he isn't going to make it! We have to do something now!"

"We have to take him to the hospital, Tyler! We cannot perform surgery or anything in this place!"

"I don't care what you have to do, just save Vic!" Jaime shouted, he was in tears.

I was kneeled a couple of feet away from him, he looked at me and still weakly smiled, "Don't cry, Kells..."

And that was the last thing he said before his body went limp.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
i cri ;-; I'm considering making two alternative endings, what do you think?

You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now