Chapter Sixteen.

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*Vic's POV*
I woke up in the morning feeling extremely cold, I shivered under my blankets and saw that it was snowing outside.

I groaned, "Fūck, couldn't the snow wait a little bit longer?"

"That's not a nice thing to say, I personally like the snow."

I quickly sat up to find Kellin sitting at the end of my bed, "Kells! You're back!"

He giggled, "I guess I am."

He looked different, he no longer gave me a dark vibe, he seemed... happier. As strange as it seemed, he looked more... human, so to speak. His skin -even though it was pale- had a little bit more color and his cheeks were a light shade of pink.

He giggled again, "It's rude to stare, Vic."

I quickly looked away, "S-Sorry. You look... different today." Way to go, Vic.

"Um, thanks, I guess?" He smiled but changed subject, "I see that you finished unpacking, you did a great job!"

"Well it took me a couple of hours but I finally got the job done. Let me just do my morning routine and I'll show you around," I said.

"No problem, I'll wait." He laid back, letting his legs dangle on the bed.

I took a brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and changed. Once I was done getting all that done, I went back into my room and saw Kellin who literally didn't move an inch.

"Hm, I think you should eat first. You don't look too good," he told me.

My stomach rumbled, "It's good that I'm hungry."

We walked downstairs into the kitchen as I took out some eggs and bacon, "Um, I don't know if it makes sense to offer but... do you want some?"

He laughed, "I don't need physically eat food, all I need is the smell of the food."

I remembered something my dad had told me, "Really? My papá told me that on the Day of the Dead, people would prepare their loved ones favorite meals and they would 'eat the scent,' something like that."

"Looks like he was right but I don't really need to-" he held up his hands and made quotation marks- "eat."

I didn't want to pry and ask where he was yesterday since it was the anniversary of his tragedy, I wondered what he did on those days. I began cooking and saw him inhale the aroma of the sizzling bacon.

"It's so delicious," he said.

Once I was done making breakfast and gobbled it down, I asked him, "Are you sure you want a tour of this house? There's nothing much to see, we could do something else if you like."

He thought for a minute, "How about we go outside into the snow? It's still snowing so it'll be fun!"

"I've never played in the snow, I don't know what it feels like."

He gasped, "We have to go then!" He tried to hold my hand but his hand went right through and his expression saddened.

I quickly tried to cheer him up, "Let me go get my coat first, then we can go outside. You'll be the first one to see my reaction to snow."

His expression brightened up again, "Okay! I'll wait for you right here."

I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my winter coat I bought before moving here. I ran back downstairs and opened the door, feeling the cold air against my skin.

"Woah, it's freezing," I said as I shivered.

I looked back at him and saw that he was only wearing a jean jacket, "Aren't you cold?"

You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now