Chapter Nine.

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*Jaime's POV*
I didn't expect anyone to call today, I was watching tv since I had my day off at work. I suddenly got a call from an unknown number, I answered and I heard Vic, I could hear the fear in his voice and I knew something was wrong. He told me he had crashed and I imagined the worst, but who couldn't? After what happened to the local kid several years ago, most people didn't like driving around that area because they believe it's haunted... with no evidence to support it whatsoever. No one has even seen the so-called "ghost."

It was pouring buckets so I put on my raincoat and grabbed another one for Vic, I even brought some towels incase he wanted to dry off. What was he doing around that area anyway?

It was a long drive as I tried to get to him as quickly as possible but the rain wasn't helping at all. After almost an hour I found his car, the front part of it was extremely damaged. I parked behind him and pulled up the hood of my coat before exiting my car. I went up to his car and looked through the window, his eyes were closed and he had some blood on his face.

"Vic!" I frantically knocked on his window, did he die? Was he just passed out? Was he sleeping?

"Vic! Open the door!" I tugged on the handle but he had his car door locked.

I saw him start to open his eyes and heard him groan, his movements were slow as held his head with his hands.

"Vic, I need you to open the door so that I can take you to the hospital."

He slightly jumped as if he saw a ghost but relaxed when he saw it was me. He weakly unlocked the door and I poked my head inside, handing him my extra raincoat.

"Put this on, I'm taking you to the hospital."

He grabbed the coat, "I'm okay, I don't want to go to the hospital. Just... please take me home, I just want to go home."

He look frightened and I had the urge to wrap my arms around his fragile body. I had to admit it, I liked him. It was a like-at-first-sight kind of thing. When I saw him at the market his eyes captivated me and I felt like I was under his spell. I didn't want to admit I was gay, I didn't know if he was gay himself and I didn't want to scare him away.

"I insist that I take you to the hospital, you could have internal bleeding or a concussion," I warned him.

"I'll... I-I'll be..." he suddenly passed out.

I knew something was wrong, he was in too much shock to realize the damage he suffered. I put the raincoat on him since he didn't put it on before and I carried his unconscious body onto my arms. I carried him to the back seat of my car and laid him down, covering him with the towels. I went back to his car to grab whatever identification I could find, I used his keys to open the trunk and saw his bags full of groceries.

I considered leaving everything there but I didn't like wasting food, for I was homeless once. Food was very precious to me. I carried the bags into my trunk, I would hold onto them till he got out of the hospital. After putting everything in my car, I headed towards the nearest hospital, thankful that the rainfall slowed down.

I parked my car and carried him into the emergency room, "Someone call the doctor, he had a car accident!"

Nurses came towards me with a stretcher, I laid him down before lightly brushing his hair off his face.

"Please stay here, we'll attend him," the nurse said.

They pushed his unconscious body away on the stretcher so I sat down in the waiting room, knowing I was going to be here for a while and hoping he would be okay.

*Vic's POV*
I woke up to the sound of annoying beeping and a massive headache. I tried to open my eyes but it was too bright, was heaven supposed to be like this? I started to move around when I felt something on my arm, it felt like an IV. I finally managed to slightly open my eyes and I was more aware of my surroundings. I was on a hospital bed, there was a heart monitor and an IV attached to me.

I was surprised to see Jaime sleeping on the couch next to me, his head hanged from the couch, his legs were up on the wall, and he was snoring. It was a funny sight and I chuckled but winced at the same time. I felt my head to see that they wrapped a bandage around it. Apparently Jaime heard me because he woke up.

"Vic! Oh shít, I was waiting for you to wake up," he sat down and quickly fixed his hair.

"Waiting? How long was I asleep?"

"Well the nurses sedated you so you ended up sleeping for an entire day. It's eleven in the morning."

My eyes bugged out, "What?!"

I tried to take off whatever was attached to me, it was Friday and I needed to visit my family's graves but everything went in circles.

"Hey, hey, take it easy, man!" He laid me back down, "You don't want to hurt yourself. The doctor said you need to recover and make little to no movements."

I let out a sigh, "I don't like hospitals, they're depressing and full of death."

"I'll ask if they can release you and I'll take you to my home. I know it's weird since I'm still somewhat of a stranger but you can't be on your own at your house. You need someone to take care of you."

Suddenly, Alan popped in my mind, "I'll call my childhood friend Alan, I was planning to visit him today so I might as well go to his house."

His face fell a little, "O-Okay, that's fine too, don't hesitate to call me while you're at his house okay? I'll go ask the doctors for your release, I'll be back in a few."

He left the room and I turned on the small tv that was hanging on the ceiling. I flipped through the limited amount of channels and came across a cheesy soap opera. Then, I heard someone come in.

"Jaime, you're back soon," I said.

When I turned around I saw this boy... The boy I had seen in the cemetery.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Cliffhanger because why not? Muah ha ha! Please comment or read my other Kellic fanfic called, "The Painter." Thanks, guys :)

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