Chapter Eight.

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When I woke up this morning I realized it was still too early to do anything, the timezone from San Diego to Michigan was 3 hours apart so I ended waking up at 7am here rather than 11am over there. It sounded all so confusing so I stayed in bed for a while longer, staring up at the ceiling. I ended up falling asleep again, only to wake up at 10am.

I threw off my blankets and walked out into the hallway towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror; there were bags under my eyes from crying and exhaustion, my face looked pale because I haven't eaten well, my hair was a mess, overall I just looked terrible.

I turned on the faucet and let the cold water run for a little bit before splashing it on my face. I looked back at the mirror and saw the shadow of someone behind me, I quickly spun around to find... no one. I looked back at the mirror, my breathing turned heavy, my heart was racing, and sweat was starting to form on my forehead.

I splashed water on my face again and rubbed my eyes. I slowly glanced up at the mirror again and saw nothing. I grabbed the towel that was on the handle and dried my face and fast walked back into my room without looking back.

"It was just my imagination," I told myself.

I didn't feel like doing any unpacking at the moment, instead I got dressed and went into town to buy some groceries. I didn't like the idea since the last time I went only bad things came out of it but I was tired of buying fastfood. It was an 45 minute drive, so I admired the scenery along the way.

I arrived at the market and grabbed a shopping cart, throwing in what I thought I needed... which was everything. I was looking along the cereal section when I bumped the cart into someone else's.

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"It's okay, it's my fault since I'm always bumping into things."

He had a tattoo arm sleeve and looked pretty muscular under his black shirt. His hair was spikey, pointing in all directions.

"My name's Jaime," he held out his hand.

"Vic," I shook his hand.

"I've never seen you here before, you're new?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that. I moved in yesterday."

"Sweet! It's been a while since I've heard someone move in. I can show you around if you like," he said excitedly.

I could tell he was a cheerful, energetic kind of guy so instead of telling him I lived here for 9 years of my life, I let him befriend me.

"Sure, that sounds great," I smiled, company is what I needed the most right now.

"Are you free this weekend-" he held his hands up defensively- "I-I'm not asking you on a date or anything," he said nervously.

I looked at him curiously and chuckled, "Jeez, don't worry about it man, it's not like you're gay or anything... or are you? I mean, I don't have anything against gay people, I don't really mind or anything."

"Uh no, haha, but uh, I gotta go dude, here's my number if anything," he took out a piece of paper from his wallet, a pen out of his pocket, wrote down his number and handed it to me.

"Just let me know if you're up for it this weekend, see ya," and he walked away with his cart to the checkout line.

I stuffed his number in my pocket and continued looking for food among different isles. About half an hour later I was done looking for whatever I thought I needed and went to the checkout line when I recognized the man on the register.

"Alan?! Alan is that you?" I suddenly recognized the troublesome ginger haired boy from my elementary school.

He looked at me confused for a moment, "Holy shit, Vic, you're back!"

He went around the register and came to hug me. After all these years he was still taller than me.

"How you've been? It's been so long since I saw you." Keeping in contact wasn't easy since I had moved across the country.

"Life's been..." he paused for a minute, "It's been great! What about you? What brought you back all the way here?"

"I would explain but we would be here all afternoon," I looked back at some customers behind me with annoyed expressions, "Also, there's some customers waiting behind me."

He scurried back behind the register and scanned my items, "I don't know if you still have my home number but it's still the same, call me there later, alright?"

I nodded, "Alright, I'll call you later, Ginger Kitty."

He blushed, "Shh! Don't even remind me."

I laughed and waved goodbye as I left with my groceries. I put them in the trunk and took out my cereal box, eating it along the way. It had started to rain so I turned on the windshield wiper and kept driving, having to leave my cereal to the side and pay more attention to the road.

It had started to pour rain to the point where I couldn't see anymore but I didn't want to stay in the middle of the road so I kept driving. This only made me miss the warm weather when I lived with my parents, the thought of it had me teary eyed. My tears and rain on the window shield didn't allow me to see, the road was slippery and I ended up crashing my car into the railing.

It wasn't a big crash, the airbag managed to keep me undamaged for the most part. I groaned and tried to turn on my car again but it was making a weird noise. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't call Alan because he wasn't home. Then I remembered I had Jaime's number, I was thankful for meeting him today. I dialed his number and waited.

"Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?"

"J-Jaime, it's me, Vic."

"Vic? Oh, hey! What's up?"

"I need a little help, I crashed my car into the road railing-"

"Holy shít, are you okay? Tell me where you're at and I'll go pick you up."

After I told him where I was I thanked him. All I had to do now was wait for about an hour before I could go home.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Please comment or read my other Kellic fanfic called, "The Painter." Thanks!

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