Chapter 3

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Mark slowly picked me up . He had something , that one thing that can make a person stand out more than the others .
"I don't want to sound to weird , but how did this happen? " I looked at Mark and back down to the floor . I was sitting on his bathroom Sink thing . His mom was a nurse , so she helped me wrap up my hand . She said they were broken . I honestly didn't care at this point . 

   Jacob Sartorius . Everyone's dream guy . Yeah well I wish this was all a dream . I wish I could wake up and it would a dream .. No just a night mare 😢. This was a night mare .
My mom was out in a business trip for a week . "Malory , you can stay here tonight . I don't want you to be by yourself . My mom won't mind ." He smiled a gentle smile . " Sure"
     "Oh and Malory ?" You looked at Mark . "Yeah?" you said back "My friends are coming over . So if you would like to come down and talk to them ,your welcome to ." It didn't really matter , Because I didn't know what to do.

  About a half an hour later , the doorbell rang. I heard some familiar voices. I don't remember all of them though . Maybe when everything is some what quiet I will go down and check it out. In the mean time , I guess I could just sit and watch TV. My eyes were getting heavy. And before knew it I was asleep.

 Jacobs P.O.V

  I didn't want to even come to marks house today. I wasn't in a great mood . And because I could not find her after school today. I could care less about her. "Uh.. Mark I need to go check upstairs for a minute. " That wasn't actually what I had to do . I just heard the TV on upstairs and figured I would go turn it off , and relax because I do that all the time any way .

   'Yea I guess." Mark didn't really care . But I did . Something just wasn't right. I  as still angry about , well I didn't even know to begin with. I just walked up the long staircase . I saw probably 700 doors in his house . I just listened to what sounded like a TV. I finally found the room after two decades of looking. I opened the door . Are you ! Tell me this is a joke ! Why is she here , doesn't mark know I hate her !

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