Chapter 13

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I tried to ignore it the rest of the day. But i couldn't . Whenever she wasn't looking . I looked at her until she turned back . She had such beautiful eyes . Whenever she smiled , Which isn't often . Her eye had this ... This sparkle to it . She- What am i saying .. This girl is getting to me , i don't know how to feel . 


Why isn't Hunter in class ? Did jacob hurt him ? I decided to text him . 

M:Hey ! Are you ok , where are you ? 

H:Hey bby . I don't feel well , so i went to the nurse . I had a fever and she made me go home . I dont think i can come to the park today , i'm sorry <3

M:Aww its fine . Can i come see you after school ?

H:Ya ! We can cuddle and watch movies :)

M:Yay! I will see you in like an hour 30 min . 

H:Ok :) ily . 

M:Ilyt but get some sleep . 

I feel someone looking at me . I turned around to be face to face practically with jacob . "Um hey ." I said . "H-hi..." He said and turned his head . "Malory.. Listen I- I am really sorry .. It may not mean anything to you but i truly am sorry. I should have never done this to you . I ... Im sorry. " He looked me straight in the eyes . He actually looked sorry . Should i let him apologize ?..."Thankyou jacob ... Im not going to say i forgive you .. But it means a lot that you apologized . But its going to take more than just saying sorry for me to forgive you . " 

His face lit up . "I promise i won't hurt you anymore .. " I laughed . "If you could ... Please keep that promise. " He shook his head . "Here is my number . You should text me ." He winked and then laughed . "That right there was a horrible move ." He said as we both broke out in laughter . Could this be the start of something from the past . Or the beginning of the end ? 


Quick lil chapter for you cuties . DOOOOOOOOO YOUUUUUUUU SHIPPPPPPPPP THEMMMMMMMMMM ????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Gia

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