Chapter 21

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----1 month later---

Jacob hasn't said a word to me since the hospital incident. That's because he left for MAGCON . A popular group of viners etc. So i wont be seeing him for a while. I was sitting in 9th period . My last class . I heard the bell ring. Hunter ran up to me and picked me up ."Hunter put me down !!" I yelled laughing . "Never !" He yelled back . He ran all the way to my locker. I rolled my eyes. "Stop being so damn adorable ok . "

"Sowwy!"He said in a baby voice. I laughed closing my locker. "Let's go to the lake ." He said. There was a cute little tire swing there and stuff. "Sounds like a plan. "I said. He smiled grabbing my hand. I held his."Your really pretty , Your eyes are beautiful , Your laugh is amazing ." I laughed . "Why thank you prince." He bowed . Dork .

We arrived at the lake . It was beautiful . The sun against the water. "Hunter this is beautiful." Je smiled."Like you ." He said kissing my cheek . It was hot out. I used to swim here when i was younger. When my parents actually cared about me. "Let's go swimming." Hunter said taking off his shirt interrupting my thoughts. " i don't have a bathing suit. "

He smirked. "So?" I laughed. "Well i ca-" he grabbed my hand pulling me in with him . "Hunter!" I was soaked. "Have some fun !" He said getting out and jumping off the dock. I laughed . "Why don't you try!" I walked back up onto the dock . "Oh god . " I said . "Just jump !" Hunter said from the water. I jumped in screaming. He as dying from laughing.

"Was that so bad." He said holding me. "Dork ." I said trying to get away from him , but he just pulled me closer.


I don't know if its her smiled , The way the sun hit her, Or the water in her hair and on her cheeks. But i knew for sure she was mine and only mine . It killed me that i had to tell her.I guess is should just say it..God i love her.


"Come on !" I said to him . He smiled but then just looked at me . "Mal... I need to just go out and say this ... I'm leaving ." He looked down . "Wa- Hunter what do you mean.." I looked at him . "I'm going on the MAGCON tour.. " He looked down . He said he wouldn't leave me . I don't want him to leave. If he leaves , another part of me is gone.

"You said you wouldn't.."I felt tears in my eyes. "I - Ma-Princess please don't cry. I will be back soon ."I looked at him . I don't want him to go . "When are you leaving. " I said feeling numb. "2 days.." Oh less time with him . I will be alone again. No one. I'm alone again . "Its only a month. " He said . Only ...

"Princess just - I love you . I really do . I will face time you every morning and night and text you all the time. " I nodded hugging him. I felt like slowly , my happiness was being drained from me. We got out of the water. "I love you.." I said hugging him . He hugged me to . "I love you even more than you could imagine.

---2 days later--

It was Sunday , and i was sitting in the car with Hunter , Brandon , Ashton and Christine. Only Brandon and Hunter were going . Mama was staying with ashton . "i put my head on Hunters shoulder. "It's going to be okay Princess." Hunter said. "Gag" Brandon said sticking a finger in his mouth making a gagging sound.

"Shut up ." Hunter said . "Lets go boys!" Christine said shutting off the car. I couldn't go past the main gates at airport. "Come on Princess." Hunter said getting out of the car. I held his hand as we walked up to the gates.

"I'm going to miss you so much. " I said to him. Because i really would. " I will be back soon princess. " He said stopping ." You guys stop here. " He said . "Hunte-" I was cut off by him . "Baby listen to me ok , When you close your eyes and sleep ,Ill be with you always . When you think you are alone , and and i don't care . I do and i am . Or maybe when you are alone and crying and think no one hears or cares. I do . I may be gone , But darling i could never leave ... Ill be with you always."I smiled.

"I love you ." We hugged for about 2 minutes. "Baby i need to go ." No .. Don't leave me again. I held his hand. He went to walk away , but i didn't let go . "Mal i love you .." He said letting go . He walked through the gates. I really hope he doesn't let go of us.."


OMG EMOTIONS EVERYWHERE OMG !! Hunter is gone.. I'm sad. I love you guys ! And follow my friend ! SHE IS GREAT ! Halory is never gone.

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