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Our year head, the biggest bitch of them all- in fact she's the only staff member that is a bitch- stood tall in front of an assembly of senior pupils, a disappointed look upon her face.
The room went quiet at the sight of her aggravated gaze over the room. "I don't know how many time I have to tell you all this, but if I find a single one of you not singing in properly for free periods I will take the common room off you." Her harsh words producing a mass rage among the crowd. I looked to the group of boys that surround me, seeing their reactions mirror mine. She continued on to say the many other reasons we will have to spend the next week finding other places to go during any time we have out with classes. After grilling the 90-odd pupils eager to leave to relieve their anger, she dismissed each row individually.
Luckily me and my thirteen amazing friends were all sitting on the front row and are the first to leave. We hurried to the common room, taking full advantage of the fact we had the remainder of the day to spend precious time in the one place we belong in this school.
We gathered round our table, before we let our rage slip off the edge of our tongues where it's been resting since laying eyes on her that day. At the mere thought of her I fill with rage, and that is even when she does her job right. But something inside me clicked. This time I really wanted her dead. The group and I had joked about it before, never intending to even actually murder her, but that day, we weren't joking as we explicitly described how we would individually end her life while messaging back and forth that night.
We started, without properly processing what we were actually doing, planning a full scale murder, and how we would get away with it. That's when our plan began. My plan. We all became that little bit closer. All fourteen of us. We have an unusually large group, although we are all different ages. Chan is the maknae, followed by me and Hansol. The others are older but since they combined the universities with the secondary school, they still are in our building, spending time with us all during any free time.
I am the only girl in the group and often get questioned on my choice of company.

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